Nothing is curing my yeast infection!

I’m 24 and I’ve taken Diflucan (twice) and it didn’t work. My doctor gave me a round of antibiotics (Bactrim) and those didn’t work. I still have discharge and odor. She said if these didn’t work I’d have to get a gyno exam. I’d rather avoid that. Any ideas on what this could be if it’s not a yeast infection and not a bacterial infection? I’m not sexually active by the way, so we can rule out STDs. I’ve had this terrible discharge for years and years but was always too shy to speak up about it until recently. I had a nightmare gyno visit a few months ago that I’d rather not relive, so any ideas or suggestions would help! Thanks in advance :)

Answer #1

Ummm I would try eating a yogurt everyday (one with active cultures in it)..that can help if it really is a yeast infection… however it could be somethin else or it could just be discharge, some women have a lot some have almost none!! But if that doesn’t work and it’s really bothering you I would consider the gyno visit.. Even tho you had a bad experience (not sure what happened so I’ll still try to offer the best advice I can) All doctors are not bad and you should maybe investigate or ask for a reference of a good doctor… because it could be something that is hurting you or could lead to another problem…good luck!

Answer #2

The only way to know for sure is to see your Doctor or a specialist for a proper diagnosis and treatment - your delay may be making things worse…I wish you the best !!

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