A Question about doctor/client confidentially

I am 15 and I am an idiot. There is a slim chance I am possibly pregnant and im panicing about it.

What I really want to know is if I go to my doctor for advice is he able to tell my parents ? as far as I know we should have docter/client confidentially but because I am under the age of the 16 is this void ? (I’m 16 in a few months but I know this wouldnt be an excuse)even if me and my boyfriend didn’t have sex ? (Worrying about the fact that there may have been some sperm in the pre-cum) Will he be able to contact my parents and tell them that I’ve come to him to ask for advice etc ? & tell them that I am pregnant/might be.

Answer #1

If your boyfriend hasn’t ejaculated recently then it is unlikely that there will be sperm in the pre-cum. However pre-cum is capable of ‘picking’ up sperm if he has ejaculated recently.

This might help you a bit:http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=precum

Answer #2

I never actually had sex. Please read it correctly first before you begin to pass judgement.

So ‘paulz1265’ I can’t have sex again if I havn’t had it. “even if me and my boyfriend didn’t have sex”

Thank you eleni and bimjob.

Answer #3

I’ll try to offer you some advice rather than pass judgment on your situation. Since I don’t know the laws in Australia either, I’d suggest that you call the clinic anonymously and ask them about confidentiality laws. They will answer that question for you. If it’s not confidential, get a store-bought pregnancy test and follow the directions. Good luck.

Answer #4

You’re not old enough to have sex. Stop being a hoe. Really. Whatever happened to values? Didn’t your parents tell you that you have to get married first? Go to the store, buy the little pregnancy test strips. Try it a couple times. If you’re not pregnant - good. Don’t have sex again until you’re at least 18 and you’ll be just fine.

Answer #5

Sorry, I don’t have a clue about Australia. And yes, there is always some sperm in pre-c um. Home pregnancy tests are accurate if you follow their instructions.

Waiting a couple more years before sex is a good idea, but if you can’t, then start INSISTING that a condom is used EVERY time, or else no sex.

Good Luck!!

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