Is there any hope?

Well me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex before my period and the day I was due to ovulate and now I have an increase in discharge can I be pregnant and I have been having crapms in my tummy is their a chance im pregnant

Answer #1

You’ve been posting this same question now for over 15 days, and you received a lot of responses on being a teen mom, and yet you seem to be headstrong on doing it anyway.

The whole thing is supposed to be about providing a good life for the child, not BINDING SOME BOY TO YOU. So - how is it that you’re ready? Do you have a stable work history and some indication of future prospects? Do you have a good education? WANTING SOMETHING DOESN’T MAKE YOU READY. If you really want a baby, start now to do the things you need to do to provide it with a good life. Take summer classes and finish your education early, get a part time job and start saving, so when you’re old enough to drive you can get a car.

Going ahead and having a baby when you haven’t looked after providing a good nest FIRST, proves you aren’t ready and worse, it suggests that having the baby is based on childish selfishness and immaturity.

Answer #2

I understand what your saying and thank you I think other people were scared to tell me that I aprreciate tha you did so thanks and if im not pregnant im going to go on with life and party now and think about kids later

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice