Spirituality, morality, and religion?

Just wondering if anyone thinks there is a difference. And if so, what do you lean toward?

Answer #1

Well morality is about what is right and wrong that could be set by religious standards, or simply by societies standards…

Religion is a set of beliefs and practices often invoving supernatural (God, souls, etc) and morality usually requiring faith

I think spirituality has more to do with human nature and the human spirit, the person and their relation to the surrounding environment, more than a focus on supernatural forces etc

Uhm well I dont know if the three are mutally exclusive… Most religious people would probably also consider themseleves spiritual as well as moral… The reverse is not necessarily true of course.

I believe in my own standards of morality, basically “do no harm”

Answer #2

spir·i·tu·al·i·ty (spir’I-chu-al’I-te) n., pl. -ties.   The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.   The clergy.   Something, such as property or revenue, that belongs to the church or to a cleric. Often used in the plural.

spir·i·tu·al (spir’I-chu-?l) adj.   Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not tangible or material. See synonyms at immaterial.   Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul.   Of, from, or relating to God; deific.   Of or belonging to a church or religion; sacred.   Relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit; supernatural.

  re·li·gion (ri-lij’?n) n.

Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.   A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.   The life or condition of a person in a religious order.   A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.   A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

  mo·ral·i·ty (m?-ral’I-te, mô-) n., pl. -ties.   The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.   A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct: religious morality; Christian morality.   Virtuous conduct.   A rule or lesson in moral conduct.

Answer #3

Spirituality, morality, and religion?

To me, Spirituality, is the things pertaining to the spirit. However, it has to be proven by the bible, as to which spirit is in control, as there are many out there, yet, only One. Holy spirit.

Morality - Is mans goodness. Totally achieved thru his own power.

Religion - is rules and regulations… adhering to a set of guidelines.

My preference, is Relationship. To me that is the epitimy of what God wanted from the begining. The rules are just to show us what he requires. When we get in touch with His Spirit, it is so awesome, that we no longer need the rules. We love to please our Lord. However, we still need the rules to check ourselves by, until we come into a mature believer, understanding the nature and desires of God.

Then, we are led by the Spirit, and willing choose to do no wrong. This does not mean that we are perfect, because the bible says that none are perfect, except the Father in Heaven. But, it does mean that sin has been put to death in our lives, and we live to please him , that called us.

Answer #4

eleni, I really don’t know enough about Buddhism to classify it. From what I’ve heard, I would classify it as religion, since it involves undetectable concepts like reincarnation, Karma, and Nirvana.

Answer #5

Spirituality is a very vague word. Anyone who meditates, prays, practices philosophy, or contemplates life could be considered spiritual

Moraility is more easily defined. It’s a system of ethics. Often, the word ‘moral’ implies a root in religion, but it doesn’t always. It’s just as often used as a synonym for ‘ethical’.

Religion is a system of belief involving entities or forces that are not detectable via natural means.

Answer #6

Morality is doing what is right and knowing the difference between right and wrong, these being set by your upbringing, the law and God. Religion is a group of people who identify with their belief in God or a higher being and choosing to belong to that group and indentify and follow it. Spirituality is your relationship with the Lord. It is not based on religion, race, or gender. It is how you communicate with your Maker, how He speaks to you inside. I try to listen to that still quiet voice that is Jesus, especially when I am struggling. I believe He loves each of us, and as a cutter, knows my heart and my struggle.

Answer #7

oops, just realized that I posted this under the wrong heading. oh well, guess there is no way to change it now. I think the three can be mutually exclusive. I know many “religious” people who are not spiritual or moral. and many moral who are not spiritual or religious, etc. I am amazed by how many people these days seem to forget morality and spirituality. they think religious covers everything. I try to do no harm and feel that if I live up to that, everything else falls into place.

Answer #8

Toadaly, do you consider Buddhism then to be a form of religion or spiritualism?

Answer #9

By definition they are vastly different - what do I lean toward and on - Jesus…Take care !!

Answer #10

thanks to everyone for their answers.

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