How do I let my ex go?

Okay , soo. Theirs this boy that I’ve been going back and forth to for about a year and 4 months. He has anger issues and has a very bad attitude problem. My friends tell me over and over to leave him alone, you deserve better. But I let my feelings get the best of me. He yells at me all the time, calls me stupid, etc. But when he’s in a good and loving mood, I feel on top of the world. I’m very much in love with him and I can’t seem to bring myself to let go. I know I can do better. But I’m just scared if I let go of him, I’ll never fall in love again. We’re not together right now, he said that we’re done for good. But he always says that and about a week later, he’s back to me. My friends say he only comes back when he wants sex. He says he’s in love with me, but if you love someone you wouldn’t treat someone like that would you? I just need advise. What should I do?

Answer #1

I agree with stephanie987 shes right and just because your not with him dont mean you will never fall in love again never say never I think you should go out with your friends and have fun and if you happen to meet sombody just be friends and have a blast

Answer #2

You need to break it off completely. First of all… if a relationship is on and off for that long, its not a very promising relationship. Second of all… its never okay to be verbally abused, eventually it will turn into physical abuse and you will end up hurt. Get out of this relationship while you can, and stay out of it, for your own safety. Listen to your friends, obviously they are telling you those things for a reason. Don’t be in such a rush to fall in love, it will come to you, just be patient.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice