Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Dream that I had about nine years ago
  2. How do I tell my mom I'm Wiccan?
  3. Eve and adam
  4. What exactly does it mean to be agnostic?
  5. Is having an orgasm a sin?
  6. Why does everyone hate Athiests?
  7. Confused about religion
  8. Religion?
  9. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  10. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  11. What is the easiest way to go to Heaven?
  12. Not sure about god
  13. Jewish people
  14. Why I don't go to church is it right, what do you think?
  15. Why would anyone join a polygamous group?
  16. Rasing money for youth group
  17. Religion topics
  18. Christian scripture pertaining to getting your prayers answered?
  19. Jehovahs Witnesses beliefs
  20. How we can find peace and contentment?
  21. Aura sensing
  22. Muslim belief question
  23. Star signs
  24. Are there any unforgiveable sins?
  25. Whats up with god?
  26. Does The Bible Have Anything Against Furries?
  27. Bible question
  28. What is a goth's beliefs?
  29. Thoughts Of Religion.
  30. Why Go TO Church to Worship
  31. Why does religion cause problems
  32. Why isn't god helping me?
  33. Mormon FAQ's being answered
  34. Music as a religion
  35. Why Go to Church to Worship?
  36. Do you believe in God?
  37. Religious Fights
  38. Read most of the bible and it's stupid, why do so many believe?
  39. Had some pretty bad dejavu, explanation for this?
  40. What's the reason for Satan to give temptations to people?
  41. Change religion from Hindu to Christian?
  42. Afraid of God?
  43. Holy water/normal water
  44. How often if at all do you keep up on your scriptures?
  45. The end of the world?
  46. Where can I find the symbols for "soul" and "real" in Chinese?
  47. Did any other Christians notice this?
  48. Going to a school against your religion?
  49. What is up with this?
  50. How do you know if any religion is a 100 perecent stable
  51. How can I make my mum happy apart from going to church?
  52. Punck Rock and Gothic
  53. Does anyone believe in god?
  54. Religions separate the world
  55. What about the proof of god?
  56. Do you believe in God?
  57. Is there anything besides Heaven & Hell?
  58. Where does the baby go?
  59. Whats kabbalah
  60. Are you agree if a Priest have wife?
  61. Is it wrong to go to church just to hang out with friends?
  62. Should I attend Church?
  63. Is there any Jehovahs witnesses on here?
  64. Best version of the Bible for me to read?
  65. Tattoos: a forgivable sin?
  66. Youth of this generation
  67. Can LDS people date Baptists?
  68. Is it bad to date a christian while you're a muslim girl?
  69. Funny points in religion?
  70. Why do organized religions feel the need to recruit?
  71. Whats your star sign?
  72. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
  73. Why many humans dont beleive that there is a god
  74. Can someone disprove God for me?
  75. Am I such a bad person?
  76. Where did god come from?
  77. Why do Christians have doubts?
  78. Wiccans, can you really perform magic?
  79. Psychic hotlines?
  80. Do you believe in magic?
  81. How can you best serve your God today?
  82. Will my grandfather go to Hell for killing himself?
  83. Is Magic Real?
  84. Is it true that the Catholics have confession every week?
  85. What religion am I?
  86. What is your opinion on the issues in the movie Expelled?
  87. Theory of Evolution vs. The Bible
  88. Belief in High Power, but not God persay = Atheism?
  89. Should I pray for my atheist uncle?
  90. clean the house by itself spell?
  91. What do you think life with god is all about?
  92. Forgiveness and doing good
  93. How can the abrahamaic god be omnibenevolent?
  94. I want to be closer with my religion
  95. What does everyone think of the FLDS?
  96. What do you think was here before God created earth, or Science?
  97. Do people nowadays still believe in God
  98. Ever wonder what' s going on with nature these days?
  99. Has anyone ever seen a ghost?
  100. Question on becoming a godfather