What do you think was here before God created earth, or Science?

Okay, well I was readin this question and it said to people nowadays beleive in God, adn I said I did, then it made me thinka bout what was here before God/Science created earth. How do you thinkwe got here.

What was here before the universe or galaxy. This is one that sure bothers me.

I have no clue, for all we know, some giant a$$ spaceshuttle coulda had mutant babies, and they were called “the monkey” which then revolved into humans…

I dont know, Help!

Answer #1

“Everything we need to know is in the bible.”

Fortunately, many people throughout history realized this was nonsense and that is why the modern world, which you benefit from, exists.

As for the OP, there is no reason to believe anyone or anything “created” the universe. It may have always existed, although in a much different form than it does now. The reason we think everything must have a beginning and an expiration is because we do; it’s part of our biology to think that way. What we do have good reason to believe is that the universe once existed as a singularity, a highly concentrated point of intense heat, which expanded during the Big Bang. Prior to this, we’re still doing research.

matt18091: “If you think about it…that explanation is pretty dum.”

That’s because you never have really thought about it. To be brutally honest, it’s above your comprehension. Parts of it are above mine as well, but I don’t assume I know enough about those aspects to attack their validity.

Answer #2

Everything that everyone needs to no is in the bible it says in Genesis 1:1 that in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. So there it is God created the heaven and the earth and even us.

Answer #3

Only God was here and since he had not created anything nothing was here to be empty.

Answer #4

“The bible says that the earth was without form or void, so to me, that means it was just like all the other planets out there in space, before God set about to inhabit it.”

The ancient Hebrews believed the same thing all ancient people did: the universe was an enormous canopy of water that God parted in order to create a flat earth surrounded by a firmament to hold out the water. If you actually read the creation account in Genesis, this is clear.

“it has only been inhabited by man, for about 6,000 according to most theologians.”

Theologians who think that are using a literal interpretation of “year” in the Bible as a 365-day period and are also assuming that the geneaology given in Genesis is strictly father-son. Neither of these assumptions are valid.

Answer #5

No-one knows the answer to your question.

The necessary implication is, that anyone who claims to know, is full of horse hockey.

Answer #6

Nothing, that’s why I think everyone who believes the big bang theory is a fool…no offense… If you think about it…that explanation is pretty dum.

Answer #7

lol…you’re not helping your cause.

Answer #8

Could I ask that all the people mocking the Big Bang theory please explain what you think this theory is?

I ask this because a lot of people who put down evolution repeatedly use phrases like:

“Monkeys turning into humans is stupid”

Which if you know anything about evolution theory, you would know that this is not the claim.

Thank you.

P.s. please don’t just go wiki big bang; I would like to know what you are currently basing your distain on.

Answer #9

the big bang makes more sense than religion, put nicely. but I don’t trust the big bang theory myself, seems like its beyond our comprehension right now. just like the sun revolved around the earth, they didn’t know any better and not everything is as it seems. But the universe has alway’s been and alway’s will be. just like the earth resets itself the universe resets itself too

Answer #10

Simply a Rose to brighten your day, And maybe lessen the cares in your way; And also, too, to help you to know, That in knowing you, many others grow!

  No, the universe hasn’t always existed. It got its start with The Big Bang which caused time and space to come into existence. From the instant of the Big Bang, which may have been caused by the input of an unimaginable amount of energy, space and the universe expanded immensely.

If you think about it, E=MC² not only means that mass can be converted to energy but also that energy can be converted to mass.

Everything that exists in our universe evolved from the Big Bang. It is not within our ability yet to determine what, if anything other than possibly energy, existed outside of the universe before the Big Bang.

Answer #11

I know enough to know that Lemaitre was a moron.

Answer #12

Haha “The Big Bang” LOL “No offense” but that was funny,

Answer #13

skylar we arent suppost to know. Everything we need to know is in the bible.

Answer #14

well all I can say is god was here before mankind/woman kind. so no one actually knows whoo was on earth before god! well actually no one was on earth there was no earth!

Answer #15

I don’t believe it…like rnealw says only God can create something out of nothing. The only way for this to make complete sense is to tie it to God. The carbin to make everything we see now had to come from some where. That’s the part of The Big Bang I find foolish for people to believe.

Answer #16

Try reading Simon Singh’s book about the Big Bang. He explains it all very effectively. It’s got a lot of the most recent observations from the Hubble telescope and experiments which have added validity to the Big Bang theory. Much of what science has learned supports the theory, such as the expansion of the universe, existence of CMB radiation, redshifts, etc.

But what’s really interesting is, there has yet to be a single shred of evidence supporting the notion that a supreme being created the universe. It’s based on faith, nothing more.

Answer #17

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. ~Genesis 1:1 Approximately 6,000 - 8,000 years ago, God created the heavens, the earth, animals, and man in 6 days. As for what exactly God and Jesus (the Bible shows that Jesus was also there with God) did before He created everything, I’m not sure.

I don’t believe in evolution at all becuase I just have a hard time believing that the only reason we are here is because of chance. I’d like to think that there’s a meaning and purpose to why we’re here and what life is. I believe God is the answer to the meaning and purpose. :]

Answer #18

God has been here forever and will be forever. there was nothing before him.

Answer #19

Hahahahaha…lol matt…thats mean. :-p

Answer #20

The bible says that the earth was without form or void, so to me, that means it was just like all the other planets out there in space, before God set about to inhabit it.

Science says that the earth is billions of years old. I suppose that could be right, however, it has only been inhabited by man, for about 6,000 according to most theologians.

Science is a study of what is.

The creation story is found in Genesis, the very first book of the bible, the rest of the bible carries you thru the next 4,000 years.

Very interesting read.

Answer #21

Aha Max I don’t see your defending your cause. I think its so foolish it speaks against its self.

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