Does anyone believe in god?

I think god loves me other wise I wont be getting beter does anyone else believe in god? Xx I think we take life for ganted thats what I did I hated life as I dint do anything to it but I spose life is what we make it Does anyone else believe in god?xxx

Answer #1

I do, Amen !! - God answers prayers !!

Answer #2

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  “Do you believe in God?”

  I am a Deist! (One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.)

de·ism (de’iz’?m, da’-) n.

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.     Although I don’t believe in a “meddling” God, I do believe that there are Spiritual Guides that aid us and attempt to guide our footsteps along paths that we have chosen prior to incarnation.

Answer #3

I am very thankful to have been taught faith, as a child. It is a rich heritage, that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

My parents didn’t have much, in the way of this worlds riches, but, they gave me something that is far superior to anything that the world has to offer, and that is the gift of faith.

They are both dead and gone now, but, their legacy lives on.

I am extremely grateful to them, for giving me this.

I am grateful to God for sending his son Jesus to die in my place, so that I might live with him, forever, when this world passes away.

I am grateful for the Word of God, that I can be taught from, an unshakeable truth, no matter how many storms come against it, it is the one thing that will stand, as everything else crumbles.

Gods word to mankind.

I am thankful to all those who came before me, that defended and preserved the truth, so that all generations can have it readily available to them, if they so desire.

I am glad that we now face a battle of words, and no longer are tortured for our faith, ( my heart goes out to those that still are, in other countries).

Our soldiers face combat, on other shores, we face it here, within our own country.

As the days get progressively darker… Gods light shines brighter, and brighter.

God be with all those in the valley of decision.

Answer #4

I dont, but then I do.

Answer #5

O yes!! I certainly believe in god as he is our Heavenly Father, Jesus is our personal savior, and the Holy ghost. Heavenly father has many blessings for us, and, he loves us all. We’re all god’s children, he can help us through in times of need, answer any question that comes to mind by scripture, or prayer. We wouldn’t be able to continue living without god since he’s always present in our lives. I try to keep up with my scriptures, each day, and I try to also be up to say prayers, read scripture, and going on with my day. I’m sure that everyone on here is going to have an opinion on God.

Answer #6

yup. I totally do.

in fact…I’m totally listening to a song called “I feel my savior’s love” right now…it being sunday and all…it’s really beautiful.

Answer #7

I do… but yes… somtimes my faith in him can be shaken… by a load of non belivers… especially my boyfriend! btw lil_princess_4_lyf God is NOT made up…I noe that everyone has their own oppinions, but how would you feel if something you were to believe in were to be caled fake by someone?!! it all starts by beliving, and I believe =)

Answer #8

I believe in God…there is no one else that could have saved me from myself. I would have died a LONG time ago. At the time I thought there was no God but now in hynesight I see that he was there with me the whole time.

Answer #9

I sure do!

Answer #10

I believe in God. and I know he loves you. God loves everyone and I really am so proud that you are getting better! :]

Answer #11

I believe in god…just not in the same way as most people.I believe in his power, not in the people that pretend to know and follow him. You are so right…people take life for granted and what you do here is what can expand your spirituality..or viceversa. PLUR

Answer #12

thank you vemir and thank you el_ricardo_777

Answer #13

…which god?

Answer #14

yemir…yeah…I try to focus my life more on God on sunday. it’s a day of worship, right? what’s wrong with that?

Answer #15

what the f*ck?…it being sunday and all?

Answer #16

I believe that there is no god. but our karma is what decides our fate. if you are a bad person in your lifetime, you will get reincarnated after you die as many times as it take to become a better person. when you acheive that goal, your soul can rest peacefully.

Answer #17

as you can see on my profile YES, YES I DO AND AM NOT ASHAMED!!! :)

Answer #18

I do too praise him everyday praise the lord

Answer #19

No its all made up

Answer #20

No, but I do believe in Scooby Doo.

Answer #21

I believe in God.

Answer #22

I believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob …and of me, but no others.

Answer #23

great answer.

I am a hypocrite.

Answer #24

I worship the devil. muhahaha.

Answer #25

uh no

Answer #26

Abraham lincoln ?

Answer #27

I believe in God

Answer #28

I don’t :( but sometimes I wish I did.

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