Punck Rock and Gothic

why do some people think that all gothic and pucnk rock Praise the devil?

Answer #1

Listen carefully to the words and be honest with yourself - are they glorifying God, Satan, or neither…Take care !!

Answer #2

because people are idiots no one really actually listebns to the words of the lyrics and dont undrestand them…they can missinterpret them as well its like aclice coopers song dead babies that song is actually about anti-child abuse but everyone perceived it as a horrible song, because no one listened to the words or could understand it also some people choose to not accept something for what it is a lot of pople can bbe stubbourn, and stick to there opinion even if proved wrong

Answer #3

ok… say your a punk… to be punk is to be an anarchist… satan is the original anarchist… so in a way you ARE satan… kinda…

Answer #4

It’s because some people think that just because you are different from them, that you worship Satan. It’s extremely annoying.

Answer #5

because they dress that way…

Answer #6

I don’t know it is weird religious people that think anyone that’s different is the devil or is going to hell.

Answer #7

I dont know Im punk and peoople come up 2 me and say ‘ohhh I cant talk 2 you the devil will kill me’ Im like’dude im not a devil!! Live with it!!!’

Answer #8

devil and gayyy

Answer #9

Wow ok… negative ghost rider to be punk is not to be anarchist to be punk is to go agianst mainstream society if you would like mail me and I can give you a deeper understanding

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