Is it true that the Catholics have confession every week?

Is it true that the Catholics have confession every week? Just curious.

Answer #1

It is available it you choose to go. True penance can only be achieved by having a sincere desire to not make the same mistake twice. People who think it just wipes the slate clean, and continue similar actions over and over, never gain true forgiveness.
For example, a man cheats on his wife. He feels so bad from the guilt he decides to talk it over with his wife. They talk, he show a sincere sorrow for his affair, and vows to never do it again. She forgives him this time. He he were to repeat his unfaithfulness: she will not be so quick to forgive him again. At this point, he will loose a wife and half or more of his belongings, and be sent packing. Peace Sting

Answer #2

life IS grand. I just wish they still SOLD forgiveness like they did in the 1200’s. oh that I could purchase an infidelity pass for the week…

Answer #3

Catholics have to go to confession anytime they sin, if not then they can not receive communion (body and blood of christ - a wafer and wine). So it can be once a week, once a day, once a month or so on. As a former Catholic I know this. Even if you have impure thoughts, you are supposed to go to confession to ask for forgivness. You then are given a penance- like pray the rosary or say a particular prayer a certain number of times and so on.

Answer #4

The cofessional is like a car wash. Everytime you get dirty from all the sinning you do, you enter the confessional a sinner, and walk out squeaky clean.

Aint life grand…

Answer #5

haha, no you dont! whenever you feel like you have to confess is the time to go. =)

Answer #6

…I’ll sell you one.

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