Read most of the bible and it's stupid, why do so many believe?

okay, I have read most of the bible… and its STUPID! Why do so many people put all their faith in something so farfetched? just think about it logically…

Answer #1

Way back when in Norse time the end of the world would end in disaster, the Gods would be over thrown though there would be 2 survives to repopulate the earth, a lot of the end of the world stories mostly ended in disaster, not to mention a lot of religions back then are/were more complex than they seem. In the bible supposedly all you need to do is accept God & you’re saved & in the end God will win & all will inherat the earth. With Buda & such you have to live an entire peacful life, Hindu(I think) you had to be reincarnated until you’ve reached enlightment. people jut wanted an easy way to reach a good place, they ingnored all the bad happenings & just wanted an easy way to worship & to ensure they’ld be in a good place after death. Believe it or not way back when the “One True God” ws created by an Egyptian you combined all the Gods & Goddeses & called it the one true God, & it went from there. Another ting, in the old testament it mentions nothing of heaven or hell, notice that? Fast fored to modern times, you have people who brainwash their children practically forcing on them their beliefs & will disown them if they choose another religion, send them them to a christain boot camp, or even have them excersized. So at first it’s because they don’t know any better & then uit’s out of fear(if they’re caught straying or thinking for theirselvres really), & then it just becomes habit & they’re sucked in. people now a says will preach & lecture but have not a clue what they speak of. I’ve only met a fistful of people if even that much that were able to match my knowledge on the bible, how sad. Then you have the people who do it as a just incase thing, I don’t believe in it but just incase it is real I’ll believe in it so I don’t go to hell basically(which would go under fear). Then there are people who really don’t but don’t feel like dealing with people who are of the biblical religion so they just go with the flow so they wont be hassled, which is really pathetic that people do that, not just on their half but the people who constantly do harass them. Sad isn’t it?

Answer #2

The Bible is the ultimate truth, and I cant believe after all you were taught about it that you have an attitude like this. God is good, sometimes we may not understand everything that Hes ays to us, but in time things will become more clear, you just have to have a little faith. Jesus was for real, the stories he relates to us are real, even if we dont get it the first time we read it. sometimes things happen in our lives that make us realize later what the teachings really mean. Its good to question things though, thats how we learn.

Answer #3

There are none so blind as he who will not see - refuses even when presented truth - if you meet me and don’t get to know me, you’ve lost nothing - if you meet Jesus and don’t get to know Him, you’ve lost Everything ! - don’t allow your heart to wax cold.

Answer #4

I’m inclined to say that any 21st century westerner, reading the Bible from start to finish, would end up so confused by the styles, the history and the symbolism, that they would be bound to consider it stupid. It’s a collection of varied books written over a very long timescale, and you need to know some of the background to even hope to understand it.

It isn’t actually hard, but you do need a bit of guidance, just as when you start to read Shakespere at school you being by learning about the writer, his times, his themes and his language. Without that kind of background, his plays seem incomprehensible and annoying. With a bit of understanding, they can become brilliant and moving. Even funny, occasionally…

So, my suggestion for the Bible is to start with the ‘core’ - Jesus, for Christians. If you read the Gospel of Matthew, for example, and try to get to know who this guy is, then it doesn’t seem so stupid. The rest of it may be harder but begins to make some sense when seen in the context of Jesus.

Answer #5

Well my friends let me shed some light and factual content and make sure you take time to read it. The bible itself actually has an illegitimate history as far as the Book, Doctrines, and historic figures themselves. The Authors and Composers of the book were administired by the roman emperor (rome is the capital of catholicism) to create a religion base around real people who existed in the east who we call prophets such as “john, peter, paul,” and so forth. The interesting thing about this part of it is that the being the book climaxes about is that of the Christ, wich means to anniont, or the annointed one. in the east the original text would be The Mashiach(English text Messiah). which means the same thing. I’m getting to the point!!! This being was very real,and very profound in his enlightment. He was what you could say a great prophet compared to others. But the fact is he was more than prophet . This man descended from the house of royal egypt. The same people that the historians said that there way of life and teachings are mythic. But fact of the matter it was the teachings from the house of egypt that he used and offcourse his own gifted magnetic mental attraction to make a cult after himself and say he is the sun of god(ra) but here is were we get into “WHY PEOPLE READ THE BIBLE”.this man like history says was eventually crucified when his followers and disciples began to convert roman soldiers on the border line of “AFRICA” and ROME. reason being you may wonder . simple just as you may view what I am telling you I sensible Horse crap. So did the romans. And it was viewed as a blasphemy against the roman belief and laws. but sadly after seing the positive affect of the refined wisdom, knowldge and humane build of spirituality and mind. He had already been “CRUCIFIED”. So the roman emperor used this being and the other prophets to create a Book of Doctrines , Morale Laws, Figure heads, and colorful metaphors and hyperboles. To do what the prophets and THE MESSIAH originally intended to do bring peace. Ultamitley the Roman Empire Viewed this as a source of empowerment to rule nations and the humane way of thinking and if you look around and listen that is why the average person knows very little about the book or the origin itself. like most things in the world its just past down as the right thing to do from generation to generation

Answer #6

It’s easier to believe than to not. It’s easier to turn to something in times of sadness or uncertainty. It’s easier to put “faith” in something for help and have comfort and to not feel useless bc it is “god’s will”. That is why religion is so popular. The bible was written by man and no one can agree entirely therefore the bible contradicts itself constantly.

You are not stupid. And for those who say you are if they believe in god than they aren’t doing his will. They, therefore, are hypocrites. “Love thy neighbor”, is what the bible says, not call people stupid because they don’t believe what you do.

Many highly intelligent people agree that the bible was written as a guideline for peole to follow and were told there was this powerful being to be scared of so people would stop killing each other and raping women and children (and so on). Those people also do not believe in a god or gods.

Here is one of my favorite quotes:

“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear”.

That my friends is from the intelligent Thomas Jefferson.

Answer #7

I believe that your Q is not one that has to do with “what people believe.” Some people believe we went to the moon and some don’t. Some believe Elvis is dead and some don’t. Some believe in a fat guy with a red suit and reindeers, some don’t. All these people and their belief in whatever, mean nothing to you. You would say “let people believe in whatever they wont to.” The real question for you is what if you made a mistake in what you believe, about what the bible says. I can tell that you have a firm grasp on the reasons for not believing what the bible says but you also have some questions about some of it that you do believe and that is the real problem for you. How can some of it be right and some of it be wrong? I believe in what the bible says, not because the bible says it for it is only a book printed in a factory in China or India or some place. I believe the bible because I know whom the bible is talking about and it is He, not the bible, that tells me what is right or wrong. I myself have had many questions and still I still have some when I read the bible but God answers all my questions. If you wish I would like to show you who the bible is talking about, please contact me.

Thank you,

Answer #8

Once upon a time, those who believed these books: bible Quran book of Confucius and many, many other books…

decided that they were right, because they had this book. So they killed & converted at sword point (b/c they did this mostly before we had guns & could really get to killing a lot of people) those who lived nearby to their point of view.

Fast forward a few hundred or thousand years. If you’re born into a certain culture, you tend to follow the belief system of that culture. Eg, if born in Pakistan, you’ll probably be a Muslim, and wonder how anybody could believe in the bible.

If you’re born in Iowa, or the deep south, or Virginia…you’ll probably be Christian :)

Yep, I’m exagerating for impact, but you get the idea. A little bit of evil (the killing, raping, plundering that every major religion did) created a whole system that we can’t undo in short order…death is a scary thing, and at it’s root, religion takes aim at the scary specter of death and makes it a hopeful passage into a pleasant realm, instead of a cold place where you feed the worms.

Answer #9

liked most of your answers … filetofspam, toadaly, thedude, im looking in your direction.

But I must admit silverwings’ answer cracked me up. She completely prooved my point.

Answer #10

“Logic and reason, are both the opposites of faith. They are like a log in ones eye, that actually keeps them from believing.”

That you are using a computer to type that response is possible because people before you were willing to use logic and reason.

Answer #11

oh and instead of reading MOST of it, try to read ALL of it…

Answer #12

ok dont say the bible is stupid and say sh*t about it. have some respect. there is something called faith!

Answer #13

anything god wants can be done huh?

kinda like miley cirus right?

Answer #14

ya I dont get the bible people follow a book a little book runs there lifes theres noo way that thing could run my life I still belive in god but im not a major religous person !

Answer #15

my whole family is chatholic, so I know ALL about sin (although I’ve never been to church)

Answer #16

nicksgurl, I mean I see where you are coming from, yea I got angry when I saw this question too, but instead of gettin mad at him, try and help him dont just be like “well screw u” thats not what a true christian does…and to answer the question…its god man, anything he wants can be done

Answer #17

because they do as they are told, they have to have something to fall back on when they screw up in life. And they dont want to think for themselves

Answer #18

I believe the bible is stupid because like one part talks about a sheep leaving its herd …so what like if that was intresting…so I can write my own bible like 4 example my dog ran away 4rm my house that’s even more intresting. The bible suopsse 2 give us life or something like that yeah right readings going to make us live yeah that’s mostly it I HATE the bible (yeah)

Answer #19

Well, I’ve read all of the Bible multiple times, and I concur with Jello. It is stupid, and obviously so, just as the Qu’ran is stupid, the Vedas are asinine, the Satantic Bible is stupid, and so on.

Books do not deserve respect simply because people idolize them.

So why do people believe these things? Because people are not naturally skeptical and wholeheartedly accept almost anything a perceived authority tells them.

Answer #20

Most self-described Christians don’t read the Bible. Google “Christian paradox” for some interesting reading. Only 40% of Christians can name more than 4 of the 10 commandments, 3/4’s thought the Bible says, “God helps those who help themselves” when this was actually said by Benjamin Franklin who wasn’t even a Christian. An embarrassing 12% though Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. Most believers accept whatever their preacher, minister, priest or televangelist tell them it says.

My theory is that if more people actually read the Bible that there would be fewer Christians and those who remained Christians would have a much more balanced approach to their faith.

Answer #21

ok, I think stupid may be a little rude. your critising a choice someone has made.

I was raised a catholic, am not and havenot been for a long long time. I happen to think that the bible is a wonderful fairy tale, that may once have been built on truth, however, man has distorted it to accomodate for their own means.

if you don’t like it, don’t read it. but don’t insult those people who do…I’m a spirtualist and I believe in something a lot simpler and logical, but that doesn’t mean I’m right, but I still respect the choices of others…

Answer #22

ill just say it, YOURE STUPID for not believein in it…it doesn run my life as some says on here…yes I read it and believe it…however im NOT perfect…its your own choice to believe it…if ya dont SHUTUP bout it, im so tired of people bashin on christians…why cant you people have some respect… im not going to force you to believe in it…but I will say you will be sorry when you stand in front of God and he turns you away and say sorry I never knew you…I believe it b/c its God’s word…thats all I need…sounds like you need to go get you some Jesus!!!

Answer #23

Catholic eh? Sounds like you’ve been given a heavy dose of legalism and ritual. As I too was brought up Catholic, it wasn’t until I actually read the bible that I got a clear view of who God is, what He wants from me and where I’m going and what to be doing. A lot of scripture is metaphoric, allegory and song but the message is still the same. God loves you. Not what you do, but just you, unconditionally. It’s hard to believe in someone you can’t see, touch, etc. But, a lot of people get their view of God skewed by what happens to them via other proclaiming Christians who’s heart may be in the right place but their methods leave more wounds then healing.

Answer #24

Faith is a really controversial topic. Personally, I don’t follow any religion or really believe in anything. But a few reasons why people follow religion may be they want something to believe in they’ve believed in it in a long time and don’t want to change family they don’t really read or understand the bible, just blindly follow it they just “follow the majority” people see those kind of religions as “escapes”, like how people confess their sins and stuff? (not really sure about that sin stuff)[like what jaes said]

and probably more reasons,but like I said ~I don’t really believe in anything soo I can’t really come up with more reasons. ><

Answer #25

the bible is not stupid it may b far fetched but is real

Answer #26

It’s sad Jello that one so young is so full of Anger and Hardness of Heart for Christianity and Gods word.

Answer #27

The Bible is a tradition, and like all traditions, it’s very hard to dislodge.

Answer #28

XD nice jello

Answer #29

thedudes answer I agree with

Answer #30

ok… I may be stupid and I know it doesnt matter what I think, but you didnt answer the question.

Answer #31

What’s your reason for you to call the bible stupid? The bible is our strength, helps us to grow closer to Heavenly Father, guides us in life, and, we can get answers to our questions that we can ask the lord. That’s so cruel to call the bible stupid. It’s pretty obvious to me that you don’t believe in god right? Just curious.

Answer #32

Logic and reason, are both the opposites of faith. They are like a log in ones eye, that actually keeps them from believing.

God can open up the scriptures to you, and make them come alive.

He can bless you beyond your wildest hopes.

However, without faith, all these things are impossible.

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