Love & Relationships Questions

  1. My first kiss and very nervous someone...advice!
  2. Speach problems
  3. Is it bad t0 bef0re a relati0nship is f0rmed?
  4. Girls and their boyfriends back home
  5. I need help
  6. Who is?
  7. I dont know why nobody fall in love with me.
  8. Insecure or jealous?
  9. Hanging on to my one night stand
  10. My friend is boasting and it's bugging me!
  11. Have you ever felt really lonely?
  12. Just not a nice person
  13. Physical appearance!!!
  14. we're back together...
  15. Give me time.
  16. a guy
  17. What to do
  18. Would you ever Part II
  19. Is he too old for me ?
  20. Why is he acting like this?
  21. What do you do when your friends fall in love with you?
  22. Why are they so mean in school?
  23. How can I make him love me ?
  24. What to do when she doesn't call?
  25. Would you rather?
  26. My ex girlfriend please help
  27. Love help!?
  28. Inlove with the school playa...please help
  29. Can a baby really tell
  30. Biting, and leaving bruises not good for ya?
  31. How can we get back our virginty by home remedy?
  32. Is making your boyfriend jealous a good thing or can it be bad?
  33. I think im in love
  34. I love him part 2
  35. Boyfriend is out of town for a month
  36. Ex boyfriend drama...
  37. Polarity Bewteen Gender=NON EXISTENT
  38. Will you trust me?
  39. How should I tell hi the truth? Need help today please!
  40. What is a virgin?
  41. Whats best features in a girls looks?
  42. Teasing my boyfriend
  43. What should I do tell this guy
  44. Would you lie to a friend?
  45. Does size really matter to women???
  46. How do I make sure I maintain a good relationship with my boyfriend
  47. Tell him the truth but h0w?
  48. Is it me or them?
  49. Does he???
  50. bad tiimes
  51. Was it wrong & what 2 do
  52. Lose the baby or lose him
  53. What if im prgenant
  54. Have you feel like talking and nobody really listen to you.
  55. My face
  56. Look pretty for weekend away
  57. My crush Hit my Best Friend
  58. Scared of dying alone
  59. Who would you rather date??
  60. Are teachers given enough respect?
  61. Hottest person ever
  62. Getting over it.
  63. I have to know.
  64. If you give me advice I will give you advice also
  65. Worried about length please help
  66. What are clit pearcings??
  67. Where is he
  68. I think I need some closer
  69. What should I do to avoid getting hurt?
  70. He broke up with me... Is it for real?
  71. Help+with+my+ex+boyfriend
  72. Love is so confusing but how do you know when
  73. Whyy won't they trust me
  74. what do sum of you guys like in a girl?
  75. Do I have a chance?
  76. girls like do cause so much drama
  77. Does he like me or sumfin
  78. I am sooo pissed
  79. Ok this is the same guy I was talking about in the third one
  80. Why it hard to find someone
  81. how do you get AIDS
  82. My first break-up
  83. Why a guy maybe avoiding me?
  84. Is it Normal to not wanting my parents to split up?
  85. So theres this guy...
  86. Why does a girl get called a slut and it doesn't matter for a guy?
  87. Why you think?
  88. Who should I move with?
  89. Going to die for love
  90. Im Dating my friends ex.
  91. What should a girl do during intercourse?
  92. I dont want to be a witness against him
  93. Tell me ways to get ex out of my head!
  94. Am I a bad friend toward one of my only true friends?
  95. Was it right for my friend and her husband to move back from Hawaii
  96. what should I do??
  97. can this be true?
  98. how can you tell!
  99. please HELP...imma bout 2 break down...
  100. why would you do if you never saw your kid in 2 years?