Do I have a chance?

So theres this guy, I reaally like him. But the problem is he’s 17 and I’m only 14, (15 in Jan) and I have no idea if he likes me. Is it even possible, is it worth asking him? Or would I get crushed right away?

Help please. :]

Answer #1

haha that’s funny/cute.

My girlfriend is 15 and I’m 18 when I first met her I assumed she was already 15 because she was going into her sophmore year and I thought she would be turning 16 and her bday was oct 12 I was 17 at the time and my bday was sep 6 so I actually turned 18 while she was still 14 but I think she realized if she told me she was 14 I wouldn’t have kept talking to her and seeing her and a couple days after that asking her out. So she kinda played me in a way lol b/c after I asked her out she then let me know she was 14 she was like what would you say if I told you I was 14 b/c I was telling her how 15 seemd young but she was mature and I really liked her etc.. and when she asked me that question I was like laughing pretty hard I was like that wouldn’t even be funny I don’t know what I would do. Then she lets me know she is 14 and I was in shock actually I felt like some petifile or however you spell that but then I realized 3 years and 1 month isn’t that long and we are still together Wednesday makes 3 months. :) The age difference took me a while but I’m over it now. When we are together I don’t see our age I just see her as a person and we click beautifully :)

Answer #2

Yep u do

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