what should I do??

ok me and this guy went out he broke up with me for stupid reason then hours later took it all back told me it was up to me and when I told him that I still wanted to give it a shot he stopped responding for some reason then in school I didnt know if I should wait for him or not so I ran my friend said that he ran after me but he didnt come to my locker did he chicken out?? than later on I told him that I missed him but he didnt respond im guessing he had something to do then when he walks in the classroom he looks at me wierd like he wants me to say something and when I don’t he puts his stuff down and walks out of the classroom.oh and he won’t talk to me at all he will literally come and stand right beside me and not say a thing . then he talks about other chicks right in front of my face.whats up with this?

Answer #1

He likes you but it trying to play the whole player role. He wants you to make the first move in public so he can blow you off and make you look like you are running after him. He is trying to boost his creds, but you are doing the right thing by not running behind him. Try playing hard to get and flirt with other guys. If he really wants you then he would put his ego aside and set up to the plate before someone else does. Good Luck

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