So theres this guy...

Ok I’ve started liking one of my bestest guy mates. And I get the feeling he likes me too. However he has a girlfriend, (shes moving to another country soon though) anyway I know what hes like and I know he would never cheat on his girlfriend. However he keeps holding my hand and the other day he started feeling up my thigh a little. I never though I liked him in this way before but I’ve started devopling feelings for him. What shall I dooo, I dont want to tell him I like him incase he doesnt like me like that or he tells his girlfriend or something haha

Answer #1

well if he is treating you like that and touching you I would think he liked you but I dunno for sure.. if anything I’d take the chance and find out.. cause you never know what the out come is and if your not willing to take risks than your not going to get very far.. and if he is your best friend you should be able to talk to him and who knows maybe something will develop from it if not well at least you tried instead of wondering what could be… good luck!

Answer #2

I know what hes like and I know he would never cheat on his girlfriend>> However he keeps holding my hand and the other day he started feeling up my thigh a little.**>>First off, that IS cheating! Secondly, he has a girlfriend, which means he isnt available, even though he acts like he is. Thirdly, how can you trust someone like that? If he can do it to his girlfriend, he’ll do it to you too. You need to tell him that until he ends his current relationship, your not going to be his side dish!

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