Will you trust me?

Ok can I ask someone to trust me for a minute? Ok, so I have an issue. I feel like I am un wnated at school and that like everyone but my friends hate me. I am dealing with a friend fued because my friend cheney is having an issue trying to get my other friends jessie and paije back as her friends. Ok so I wasn’t there to witness this but cheney supposedly elbowed paije in the stomach and left a bruise. But cheney told me she was trying to turn around at the lunch table and tell paije to stop poking her. But paije wouldn’t stop so now paije jessie and a few of my other 6 friends are all mad at cheney and I am not. Cheney and I used to hate achother but once we got to know eachother we were good friends. Please tell me how to help them. What do I do? Can I make them go to the counsler? Or should I try to make this better on my own? Please help.

Love always, Emodancer. <3

Answer #1

I would have all of you go to the guidence consular. or make them sit down and talk to them. make them listen to u. tell them how you feel bout all of this.

I kind of had the same problem a while ago, but I ended up losing my friend

Answer #2

like she said, don’t pick sides. try to stay neutrall and hear everyones story if its as stupid as somebody accidentally elbowing somebody then say that! don’t try to get too in the middle or they will try to pull you into it more. just state your opinion after you here what happened from both of them. if somebody is being way over the top and making it such a big deal just say “hey, this doesn’t need to be so huge, its not really that bad. and is it worth losing a friend (cheney or paige) over?” thats what I would do and if their still being ignorant just tell them all you had nothing to do with it and your still everyone’s friend atleast hope I helped =P

Answer #3

Dont pick sides,,,it seems no are not going to make everyone happy but keep in mind the personality of the friends are the vengful and want to get back at you for choosing between the two sides, if so then don’t pick sides and let it go…it is hard to have real true friends…like that old kenny rogers song…know when to fold and know when to walk away…I wish you luck becasue school is horrible sometimes and at others it is fun…try not to get involved keep yourself busy with school activities so you wont be in the middle of it…

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