Is it bad t0 bef0re a relati0nship is f0rmed?

Is it bad t0 kiss/make 0ut with s0me0ne bef0re a relati0nship has f0rmed? What d0 y0u think and why? Any advice?

Answer #1

If you have the intentions of dating the person, I dont think it’s bad to kiss beforehand. Although I dont think you should go any furthur without being in a relationship.

Answer #2

I think you should definately be friends with this person! I dont think you have to be like really dating…

Answer #3

well I don’t no, girls over here seem 2 make the 1st, if they like a dude they wud go up 2 them and make ot are watevea if the dude says yes and we usally do if there hot, ut doesnt mean we have 2 go with them just a bit of fun lol

Answer #4

My boyfriend and I made out 4 days after I met him… But we sorta had that “love at first sight” thing going… Now we’ve been dating for 3 months!

I don’t think it’s wrong to make out before you officially form a relationship, but I think you should definitely intend to make it into a relationship. Don’t just make out with random people for pleasure.

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