Getting over it.

Ok so I’ve been having some trouble with An ex. I dumped him and now he is just Being a complete idiot. Like the Other day he texted me to call me a Ccks**er. I was thinking ok then. Its really annoying me because I havent done anything to him Since the break up. If this is his way Of dealing with it ok but its really Starting to annoy me. What can I do?

Answer #1

ignore until he gets tired.. prove to everybody that he’s a loser and that he doesn’t deserve u..

Answer #2

A friend of mine is going through this exact same problem, but slightly twisted. It all goes back to the soap opera “High School Days of Our Lives.”

He ex wanted treated her poorly, always made her cry, hurt her feelings, pretty much all but beat the dear girl. She left him and then he came crawling back “Oh, I miss you, I made a mistake, I can change.” Blah blah.

Long story short somebody started spreading rumors about her and the only person with motive is the ex.

The best thing to do is ignore him. If you’ve got the ability to block his number on your phone then go for it. If not, call your service provider and they can block it for you. The less contact the better. If he starts spreading rumors don’t worry. You know the truth and he’s just an idiot for thinking it’ll ruin your reputation. He’ll learn eventually that you’re not a girl to mess with.

Ugh…high school boys. So glad I graduated. lol

Good luck!

Answer #3

go for what amanwithalotofanswers has advised you to do! block him and just cut him out of your life! cause you really don’t need immature guys like that in your life! or if you know his mom and were real tight with her, I’d go and talk to her about your ex… or if your mum knows her… your mum can help! if not… just block his number! and make sure your friends know the truth of the story! - that your ex is an annoying a55!

hope things blow over! hang in there!

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