Where is he

Well im 17 and I know what your think im too young but heres the thing your wrong…age has nothing to do with anything the worls works in mysretious way and age has nothing to do…well im 17 and single now my question is why? I’ve had boyfriends but not seem to meeet my standards…and is funny how I’ve dated so many but none catch my interest im not saying im picky but I want a guy that will drive me crazy in everyway…what should I do how do I find him?

Answer #1

by the way is that you in that pic ? lol this is way out of context…lmao

Answer #2

thank you hell angel…I just want to find a guy I will last with I dont mean forever…but you know I dont want to settle for less

Answer #3

thanks you guys…but for the 1st girl or guy…my standards are nor just based on looks they are based on everything

Answer #4

Let fate run its course. When the right guy comes along, he will find you. When you least expect it is usually when good things happen. It happened to me! So stop worrying about something you have NO control over. Its better that Mr. Right enters your life when you reach your 20s anyway.

Answer #5

Okay, hun. Here’s the deal.

As I went through high school I was with numerous girls. The reason I had so many was because, well, same reason you’re single. None really lived up to my expectations.

Finding the right guy is as hard as finding life on other planets. Does it exist? Not fully positive, yet. Me, personally, I’m 26 and still single. Why? Can’t seem to find that special girl. Love takes time. So does finding your right mate.

What should you do? Do what I do. Be yourself. It may take a while but don’t worry. He’ll come. I’ve still got faith. 8D

Good luck.

Answer #6

Er, 17 isn’t too young to date! Stop being paranoid lol!

Okay, let’s say you’re not picky, but you haven’t found the right person with the right chemistry with you yet. It’s only a matter of time. Sometimes we don’t find the guy we can click with in our backyard, and we need to meet more people out there in the big giant world to find our needle in the haystack guy. I mean, you can date guy after guy around your place, but socializing and meeting people is important when finding a person who matches with you. I think you should be patient, explore, and socialize.

P/s: You might already know this, but I’m just going to say it anyway for the sake of this answer - lower your standards. Personality comes before looks.

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