
How+would+I+know+if+my+ex+still+has+feelings+for+me%3F+because+we+are+friends+and+sometimes+he+kisses+me..and+we+act+like+if+were+together+but+were+not..and+me+and+him+still+go+everywhere+together+and+we+still+talk+a lot+on+the+phone..

Answer #1

Why do you put + between each word? That makes it very hard to read!

You need to realize that hes an ex for a reason. Why did you two break up? If he still liked you, why aren’t you two dating instead of just being friends? This is usually the reason ex’s cant remain friends. Because one person gets the wrong impression if the other does something that might lead that person to think there is still something going on between them, when he is most likely using her, and just playing mind games with her. If he really did like you, dont you think he would have asked you out again by now? Hes kissing you, and acting like your together, because you allow him to, but the fact is…your NOT together, so you shouldnt be acting like you are. You need to tell him, that if he keeps acting like your together, then he should ask you out already. Make it clear where you stand, and dont let HIM make all the rules. You will get your heart broken all over again, if you let him keep doing what hes doing without wanting the commitment!

Answer #2

It sounds corny, but ask him. Or ask how he feels about you.

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