Is he too old for me ?

Okay so im 18 turning 19 in december, my boyfriend is 21 turning 22 in april. Some people think hes too old for me but I don’t think so, im not sure though whats your opinion

Answer #1

I dont agree with colethky AGE IS NUTTHIN BUT A NUMBER and LOVE dosnt have age if you love someone nomatter what dont let nutthin come between ya. let love be free!

Answer #2

it doesnt matter what the age difference is. He’s dating you not your friends. I have a friend whos 16 and shes dating a 24 year old. If you love the person what does age matter.

Answer #3

If you were only 14 and he was 16 then yes I would say that he is probably too old for you but since you’re 18 then no I don’t see any problem with it…My husband is 8 years older than me.

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