Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What do you think of transgenders(are you one, know any, accept or not, etc.) ?
  2. Why would your spouse be upset if you get a promotion at work?
  3. Whats a 69? Im a retard. :)
  4. What do you call a guy when he only has friends that are females and no friends that are males?
  5. why do people make fun of gay kids at my school?
  6. Do you think girls that are in middle school are to young to have a boyfriend?
  7. Why is it that I'm a senior in high school and the only guts that ever express interest in ne are freshmen???
  8. Is chivalry dead?
  9. What is your favorite part of your partner and why?
  10. As you age, do you think your standards have gone down for what you look for in a partner?
  11. What could be some reasons some people refuse to date inside their own race?
  12. How would you rate the following people?
  13. What are your thoughts about love triangles?
  14. what exactly is a "soul mate"?
  15. What do you when a person you talk to on a daily basis is keeping tabs on what you say and how you say it?
  16. what does it take to get a restraining order against your ex boyfriend?
  17. Is it odd these days to see black guys dating white girls?
  18. what should i say to a friend who says shes snapped and wants to murder someone, and is going crazy?
  19. What would you do if a young 13-15 teen on FunAdvice confides to you that they are meeting a total stranger, an adult 20-28 also from FunAdvice?
  20. Why do they say, "you can't help others unless you help yourself"?
  21. What shall i do to surprise the person i like who is coming back from australia?
  22. Do you get bored with people easily?
  23. Why do guys have that whole get the girls number and wait 3 days to call her rule?
  24. what do i do if iv fallen in love with my 3rd cousin?
  25. Why does it seem that more attractive people make friends faster than others?
  26. how can i ignore the fact that i push away every single person i see something fake in , and start making friends instead of being kinda antisocial.. ?
  27. What do you associate with being married?
  28. if your are a guy, would you try to get the attension of a woman to get to someone else whom you love?
  29. What would you do if your bestfriend is suddenly being the most hate person in class by your friends?
  30. Who do you think is more vindictive, men or woman?
  31. Has television given people false hope of what a real relationship is like?
  32. Why am i always Horny? And what can i do to not be Horny anymore?
  33. What is the difference between being a "Wifey" and being a "Girlfriend"?
  34. Why do married couples have alternative type relationship, like open marriage, swinging, etc?
  35. What causes a man, or women to cheat, and how do mens reasons differ from the reasons women do?
  36. What should i do about my friend who is holding a grude against me for no reason?
  37. How long does an average high school relationship last?
  38. Why are women more emotional than men?
  39. What are some way people have spiced up there marriage and love life?
  40. What is the best thing for your partner to do when your crying and upset (for the guys)?
  41. Do you think its sad if a good friend of urs cant describe u in 3 words?
  42. whats the longest you've been away from the love of your life &why?
  43. Who thinks you should be allowed to go out/have a bf if your responsible?
  44. Why am I all of a sudden into older guys?
  45. What is it about humans that let us move on?
  46. why we need a lover in life?
  47. How should I deal with a flatmate who has no idea how to budget?
  48. What do you like more in friend:honesty, generosity, or loyalty?
  49. How do I treat someone who acts like a child?
  50. why is it that when a guy has a somewhat small or medium pen!s girls are ok with it, but when girls have little boobs guys dont like it or they make fun of
  51. Would you be creeped out if a 20 year old was sending you these texts when you were 13?
  52. What could this mean about a guy?
  53. Is 11 years an inappropriate age gap for a relationship?
  54. how do i know if its ok to be next door neighbors to my husbands ex girlfriend ?
  55. What do you call a guy that falls in love with a girl, but then when a pretty girl comes along, he dumps you and goes for her?
  56. How can you make someone happy, when there mom just got breast cancer?
  57. Do you think it's wrong to go back to someone who's abused you?
  58. how can i convince my boyfriend that my mum likes him and he is welcome at my house?
  59. Why do guys always go for short girls?
  60. is anybody here a furry? i feel stupid 4 asking...just wondering, sorry, haha
  61. What is the most romantic moment of your life?
  62. How long does the average friendship last?
  63. How many married couples here have been with their partner since high school, or longer?
  64. what are some tips on writing your crush a letter?
  65. Would you ever date someone that is overweight?
  66. How do I make my friend stop acting like she's my mom and telling me how I should be?
  67. Does anyone have any good ways to tolerate parents double standards?
  68. What do you think of a guy who gives a girl his school hoodie?
  69. When a guy pays for you on a date, do you get upset?
  70. Do you think I should lie for my friend?
  71. What are your thoughts on Numerology?
  72. What does "when in doubt flop it out" mean ?
  73. What do you do when the one you care about smokes and does weed?
  74. Do we really need to be faithful in order to have a beautiful relationship ????
  75. why am i still dreaming bout my ex?
  76. What should be done for a 6 month ''anniversary''?
  77. What would a "plutonic hug" be?
  78. Would you help a friend who was sick and in severe agony die, if they asked you to?
  79. How would me and my girlfriend be able to live with each other?
  80. How do you keep a conversation going if you continue to get short answers?
  81. How can I distant myself more from my boyfriend?
  82. what is the best way to avoid idiotic behavior from someone else that is provoking you?
  83. is it possible to be in love with a person you cannot seen yet and know for only 12 days?
  84. Who believes its possible to be in love with two men at the same time?
  85. What are the age between a guy and and a girl should be to be dating???
  86. why my boyfriend have to do his promise with his ex-wife?
  87. Can Pisces and Gemini be compatable?
  88. do libras and geminis get along well in relationships?
  89. Double standard men multiple partners?
  90. Is it weird that my husband doesn't want me to get a bikini wax or anything like that because he doesn't want anyone looking at me?
  91. What are some things that can get my mind off my boyfriend?
  92. What is a good excuse for my bestfriend?
  93. Do you think two people with different religions would work out, and be able to spend the rest of their lives together?
  94. Can you and your ex really be just friends after a break up?
  95. What do I do when my boyfriend has started interfering with my schooling?
  96. Why is my BF being dishonest??
  97. why is it that people think its weird that me and my boyfriend have all ready started planning for a future family?
  98. What should I do if my friend tried to force me to smoke?
  99. Do you feel it's best to go out with someone when you don't know them or when you know them?
  100. What do I do about this guy who I feel totally uncomfortable around?