Why would your spouse be upset if you get a promotion at work?

I have been promoted at work, and my wife is unhappy, she says that I am going to have to go back to school, and I am going to have work more. She would have less time for her career, and the money I get for my promotion would have to go toward my degree. Am I being selfish?

Answer #1

Because all most woman want is ur time and a promotion can take that away from her

Answer #2

Meaby because she things that it just means less time at home and not time with her and stuff like that. It is understandable that she wants something for herseld too as well as you do, but I would try to work something else, like another squedule, like meaby one of you taking classes at night while the other takes them during the day? If you have kids you could look into child care programs that can help you out since you are a student? I don’t think that it’s really being selfish, you just both want things for eachother and that is ok, specially when it comes to your education.

Answer #3

In the short term your wife may be correct, but once the schooling is paid off for you’ll be making that money extra. I’m not quite sure what your occupation is so I am not sure how it exactly effects your wife’s career, but I do think that spouses should be supportive of one another as much as possible.

It doesn’t seem like you’re being selfish, but perhaps you should consider her points and talk it over more.

Answer #4

Well I have been in my position for 3 years, and I have gotten bored. With this move I will have more time on the weekend, but less days off. Right now I work 3 to 4 days a week 12 hours a day, after the change I will work 5 days a week 8 hours a day. I will have longer evenings with her.

Answer #5

Because of the type person I am I know u wud want the 8 hr days so u wudnt have the long hrs, but if it were up to me I wud rather have my bf or husband work the 12 hrs and have more days off, but like I said because of who I am I wud go along with wat I thought wud be best for u not necessarly wat I wud want, that wud be selfish of me, and I don’t like that about some people, all they do is think of themselves. That’s not attractive

Answer #6

Well right now I am a server engineer, I will be moving into IT Project Management, and the pay raise of the position will cover all the cost of the MBA degree plus put me that much closer to my PMP cert. Also after you have your MBA in PM that is a raise in its self.

Answer #7

You are not being selfish, you wife is being selfish. She should be backing you up and supporting you in your career decisions, just as you should for her. Success often takes sacrifice. If she is concerned about the your career cutting into her time then she needs to learn to compromise. Failing to advance yourself for petty reasons would be a HUGE mistake in the long run.

Answer #8

Remember that you are a team. I’ve always discussed my career direction with my wife. When I took a more demanding job that I knew wasn’t a 8-5 40 hour/week job I made sure she understood how it would affect us and made sure she was ok with it. Jobs come and go but marriages are supposed to last the rest of your life. My wife also discusses her job and what and how many shifts she will work. I wasn’t happy when my wife took more weekend shifts because it cuts into our quality time but she does make more money that we can certainly use.

You guys need to communicate and work it out.

Answer #9

I feel like I should retract part of this statement: I don’t know your wife and I shouldnt make such a blatant statement as to call her selfish. I would say, rather, that failing to back you in your career and education choices is a near-sighted move. the two of you and your family have everything to gain from doing everything you can to advance opportunities for each other.

Answer #10

because dude she probably thinks that the promotion will cut into the time that you spend with your family and friends or maybe she i not likeing you haveing more success in your career than she is in hers.

Answer #11

she should b happy for u but maybe that more time away from the marrital home u should sit and talk more ask y its affecting her so much

Answer #12

you wud be gone more

Answer #13

She hates you.

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