Health Questions

  1. Is there a way to help a bursted blood vessel in your eye heal faster?
  2. Why do I have this feeling in my right arm?
  3. What's the best way to relieve the itch of a bug bite?
  4. Why don't my periods come in any order?
  5. Is it possible to get a bruise from breaking a bone?
  6. What is the correct SPF to have in sunscreen for children and adults?
  7. How can you tell if you're anorexic or have anxiety or OCD?
  8. What do they do in a physical for a 13 year old?
  9. Why do mosquitoes seem to bite you more the younger you are?
  10. How do I get rid of my heartburn?
  11. What is this called in English (read please)?
  12. How did you feel in the days leading up to actual labour?
  13. Is this an allergic reaction to shrimp?
  14. Does straining out of your voice range damage your voice?
  15. Why does it seem like mosquitoes are attracted to me?
  16. How long is your period supposed to last after delivery?
  17. How to get rid of this horrible case of poison ivy?
  18. Why do the littlest cuts or scratches bleed so much (read description)?
  19. What's the use of sharing things in therapy if they will get reported?
  20. What causes peeling besides sun burn?
  21. What does skin poisoning and skin cancer look like?
  22. What reasons do people have for having ribs removed, if ever?
  23. Is breast cancer and diabetes genetic?
  24. What’s the best way to relieve a sunburn?
  25. What is the cost of treating lung cancer?
  26. What can I use to cover my face when I go out in the sun, and I'm using an acne medication?
  27. Why are my veins all of a sudden so visible?
  28. What can I do to reduce the symptoms and prevent my carpel tunnel from getting worse?
  29. Would they have been able to see if it was a boy by 30 weeks?
  30. Does arthritis run in families?
  31. How do you soothe red, irritated skin fast (see description)?
  32. Why does my knee click?
  33. Is it safe for 12/13 year olds to use a tampon?
  34. What pills help calm you down/control anger?
  35. What drives people insane enough for them to take their own lives?
  36. How to get rid of small annoying bumps on upper arms and shoulders without a doctor?
  37. Is there any way to get rid of a muscle spasm (read description)?
  38. Is it possible to be too tired to sleep, too tired to think, too tired to comprehend anything?
  39. What makes addictions so hard to quit, and how do they start?
  40. How to stop getting sick from my little brother?
  41. Is the fear of being touched a sign of anxiety in the past or present?
  42. Why do mosquito bites itch?
  43. What can I do to alleviate some of the pain in my wrists?
  44. How long does nicotine take to leave your system?
  45. Can a female have such a thing as high testosterone?
  46. Who has diabetes type 2 and celiac?
  47. What could cause you to have a low pulse?
  48. Are these symptoms of ADHD?
  49. Can having nightmares every night be a sign of early pregnancy?
  50. Why are a girl's breasts uneven during puberty?
  51. What do you think of antidepressants for severely depressed people?
  52. What does it mean to "clear out a crack in a bone"?
  53. Did I damage my voice?
  54. Can a person who is paralysed from the waist down still move their feet?
  55. How to stop/prevent bloating?
  56. What is a good shoe insert to get if you have an Achilles heel?
  57. How early can you get morning sickness in pregnancy?
  58. What is the cost of treating lung cancer or what is the fiscal effect of lung cancer?
  59. How can I stop the littlest things from making me depressed and upset?
  60. What is this knot that's coming up from my skin?
  61. Why do I suddenly have the urge to start smoking cigarettes?
  62. Is it true that some birthcontrols can stop your period or lessen it?
  63. When a girl goes to the obgyn for the first time to get on birth control to help with menstrual problems does the doctor actually look "down there"?
  64. How can I get rid of a rash under my bottom lip?
  65. What does it mean when you can't stay asleep?
  66. How to heal eye strains from sitting on the computer 25 hours a day?
  67. What disturbs you about the human body most?
  68. Would this be a form of OCD ?
  69. What are the main hormones during pregnancy?
  70. How does Xbox Live monthly pay work?
  71. Is it possible for the male body to run out of sperm?
  72. Why do people's temperatures rise when I give them massages?
  73. Who can give me some help on how to care for a child with a fractured femur?
  74. How come I get weird gunge stuff in my mouth when I use Aquafresh?
  75. Should I take Aspirin right before the game or after?
  76. Can my premature son have major problems later on in life?
  77. Can you overdose on melatonin?
  78. Should I be worried if my doctor told me I probably won't live a day past 2 years if I keep stressing?
  79. Why do I always get nauseous playing video games?
  80. What's the next stage of killing your wart if I have black dots?
  81. Is it possible to become sick from stress?
  82. Why are my palms peeling?
  83. What are reasons for a missed period and weird, light bleeding in between (not a pregnancy question)?
  84. Is my stomach supposed to hurt when I'm on my first day of period?
  85. Is it normal to get morning allergies?
  86. Can low blood sugar increase your chances of becoming diabetic?
  87. What could the white bumps on my tattoo be from?
  88. Are these symptoms of vertigo?
  89. What are some things I could do to help my cousin who just had a stroke?
  90. Is the repetitive motion when cycling bad for your knees/pelvis?
  91. Can you get high on Deep Heat?
  92. Would you abort your baby if you found out he/she has some disorder?
  93. What's a good and healthy eating and sleeping schedule for someone who works 4am to 10am/12pm about 4 days a week?
  94. Is there a name for someone who has the fear of their arteries clogging?
  95. Is it true that fit people digest faster?
  96. Is it true that the brain can only focus on one thing?
  97. What would cause you to get the hiccups all the time?
  98. How do I keep from getting headaches when I sing too much?
  99. Why is my heart beating weird?
  100. What can help wake me up?