How to get rid of this horrible case of poison ivy?

I have poison ivy . Its like a rashh. On my face and neck. It itches rlly bad :( I needa get rid of it. ugghh

Answer #1

hmmm… Well, I just use goldbond.

Answer #2

If it’s on your face and neck, it may be good to go see a doctor about it in the morning. Right now, though, it’s very important that you don’t scratch the skin that’s been infected. If you do this, you risk spreading it even more.

As for relief, do you have any calamine lotion in your house? If you do, using that could help. If you don’t have any, check out this how-to: It includes some methods that could help you.

I hope you feel better soon.

Answer #3

Well what helped me was to take an oatmeal bath….. just hot water and oatmeal. Doesn’t sound fun, but it helped….. however I got it on my torso, arms and legs. Also take cold showers, hot showers spread it more from the heat opening up your pores. Use some poison ivy cream too. If all else fails go to the doctor and get a shot. It dries it up in a day or so

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