Is breast cancer and diabetes genetic?

Answer #1

Yes they are but just because someone in your family had cancer or diabetes doesnt mean you’ll get it 100%, if you take care of yourself you dramatically lower your chances.

Answer #2

no but theres more likely to be a diabetic from a 1 parent diabetic then there is from a 1 parent with breast cancer.

there wasnt a case of diabetes in my family for 4 generations untill i got it but theres been many of breast cancer :(

the answer is no.

infact………. let me ask me mom tomorrow as im uncertain about the diabetes part.

Answer #3

Yes, they are genetic by a certain percentage depending on the family member who had it. For example, if it was your grandma, it’s a less likely chance(25%). If it was your mom, your chances are increased(50%). The chances get smaller as generations pass on.

Answer #4

yeah it is.

Answer #5


Answer #6

Yes they are genetic. It’s not like if someone in your family has breast cancer you will automatically get it, it just raises your chances of getting it. Diabeates most of the time you will have at least slight problems with low/high blood sugar. Not saying you will have diabetes, but you will have certain side effects of it.

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