Parents & Family Questions

  1. What can I do when I do not like these relatives' behavior in my house?
  2. How can I get my parents to treat me like an adult when I am already 18?
  3. How can I get my mum to pick her act up?
  4. How do I tell my parents I got accepted for a 2 year term scholarship into an art high school?
  5. How do you convince your parents to let you do wrestling?
  6. How can I tell my mom that my friend's mom is pregnant, without my mom thinking she's irresponsible?
  7. What does it mean to dream your sister is a lesbian when she is straight in real life?
  8. What do I do if my dad starts to hit me?
  9. Can I take part in any paying medical trials without my parents permission?
  10. What should I do about my living situation?
  11. why do some kids commit suicide over bullying?
  12. Would you let your mom live with you if she was a slob, annoying, and has lack of hygiene?
  13. How do you tell your mother that you're worried about her heath without sounding like a sappy kid?
  14. Why is marrying own sibling dangerous?
  15. How do you gently tell your mom that you don't want her talking to your dad anymore?
  16. What is another name I can call my foster mom?
  17. What would be to me the daughter of my cousin's mother?
  18. Can parents tell you that you can't buy a certain shirt with your own money?
  19. What kind of parent gets mad at you and grounds you for cutting yourself instead of trying to help you?
  20. What's worse - your parents finding out you have a real life boyfriend or online boyfriend?
  21. How do I convince my parents to let me play drums?
  22. Why won't my parents let me go to public school?
  23. Should my mother be angry at me because I told her to care for her own child?
  24. What do you do when your parent's boss is accusing them of theft when they worked there for 8 years?
  25. Where does the killer whale stand on a food chain?
  26. Why does my 32 year old mom want to wear my dresses?
  27. What is the best way to get my parents to believe I'm 'sick'?
  28. What are some good reasons to tell your mother that you want an online school?
  29. How do I get my SISTER away from the xBox 360?
  30. Do I deserve to be ungrounded?
  31. How can I convince my dad to let my dog live inside?
  32. How do convince my dad that not all meatal is "demonic"?
  33. Why would my dad get Cody Simpson tickets but not Justin Bieber tickets when he knows I like JB more?
  34. How to tell my mum that I want to study Agriculture?
  35. How can I get my mom to like my cat?
  36. How do you explain your grandma what a Blackberry is?
  37. How to untapp a phone?
  38. How can I tell my friends and family that I am becoming Wiccan?
  39. Can my mother legally kick me out of this house if my grandparents own it and they said I could stay?
  40. Why is my mom acting weird?
  41. Why do parents get mad and yell, but don't let you say anything?
  42. Who would be mad if their parents tried to eat them?
  43. What is a number I can call in Washington for custody and child support issues?
  44. How does it make sense that as a child gets older you take away privileges?
  45. How do you find your brother that you never met because your mum put him up for adoption?
  46. How to get my 'old' Dad back?
  47. Why is it that men act like they can do most anything yet fall short of being a real dad?
  48. What is your favorite thing about being a parent?
  49. Can an 18 year old go to a foster home?
  50. How can I convince my mom that I don't need a medical reason to be home schooled?
  51. Is it possible to have a successful Bipolar pregnancy without losing ur mind when going off ur meds during?
  52. How can I talk to my parents without getting yelled at and grounded?
  53. Can my mom cancel my driver's license if I am the age of 18?
  54. What can I do about my parents smoking in the house?
  55. How can I convince my parents that I didn't steal alcohol?
  56. What do I say when my mom goes to the therapist with me?
  57. How do I convince my pregnant girlfriend's parents that she should move in with me?
  58. Is there a blood test that can determine ancestry?
  59. How do I tell my mom I want to be a nudist?
  60. How many cloth diapers will I need to bring to the hospital?
  61. How do I tell my mom that I want contact with my ex-alcoholic dad?
  62. How many times per day do you talk to your mom?
  63. Is it possible that my stepdad could go to jail?
  64. Where do I go if I got kicked out?
  65. Can parents/guardians legally open a minor's mail without their consent?
  66. When parents divorce, do they think about the kids much?
  67. How can my 17 year old move out of my home without my permission?
  68. how to stop brother from cussing at dad?
  69. What are good pranks to pull on brothers?
  70. When did your partners parents and your parents meet?
  71. What does it mean to be the "black sheep" of the family?
  72. What would be a good reason for my mom to take away my shot glasses?
  73. whats the best thing about being a parent?
  74. What is the best age to start a family?
  75. Who can help me with the way my moms been acting?
  76. how can i adress the issue that my grandma flat out said she dont like me?
  77. What do you think of people who have a child to save another child with an illness?
  78. how can i tell my mom to stop planning my future?
  79. Can a legal guardian sign forms for a name change even if the parents are still living?
  80. Do I have to give my mother guardianship of my baby?
  81. What is the likelihood of someone continuing the pattern of abuse, if they were abused themselves?
  82. How can I make my dad understand that im depressed?
  83. how do i tell my Christian parents that im an atheist?
  84. how can my boyfriends mom convince my mom to let me to go to texas with them?
  85. How can i convince my mom to let me chncge my style completely?
  86. Can You Legally Move Out In Georgia If Your 17 And Pregnant?
  87. How much would a contested divorce be when all u have to fight over is a child and the other parent doesn't have a lawyer?
  88. How to tell parents I want to join the Marines after my first semester of college?
  89. can i get milk at the age of 18?
  90. whats the best way to discipline children?
  91. What do you do when your parents just flip out?
  92. How many adult on FunAdvice feel the computer has destroyed a few relationships since it became affordable in the 90's?
  93. What do you think about parents who let their kids get taught the facts of life by the school system instead of the parents talking with them?
  94. how can the mother that gave birth to u hate u soo much that she hits u n the face and tells u to get the fuck out of her house?
  95. How can i improve my brother's attitude?
  96. Do you think it is true that guys get their self-esteem from their mothers and girls from their fathers?
  97. why do adults think teens don't have stress?
  98. Do kids like to give parents a hard time?
  99. is it bad if my mom is randomly getting mad and cussing out my grandma?
  100. Is it wrong for me to feel frustrated at my parents for dragging me into the middle of their very heated and contentious divorce?
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