What is the best way to get my parents to believe I'm 'sick'?

i cannot go to school tomorrow! i had NO sleep this weekend!

Answer #1

Take your temperature? Go to the doctor?

Answer #2

Why can’t you just tell them you didn’t get enough sleep? Unless, of course, it was your own fault, in which case - just tough it out and go to school…lesson learned.

Answer #3

Go to sleep early tonight! You still have time.

Answer #4

Hahahaha i did this friday! i woke my dad up when i “got up” and told him i just threw up! and my tummy hurts! haha and so bought it and let me stay home! (:

Answer #5

get viks vapor rub and rub a lil around your nose and eyes this will make ur nose sniffy and your eyes watery and red! Always works for me

Answer #6

I was too afraid to.. I believe in karma.. One time I pretended I threw up and got the flu a week later.. :O

Answer #7

You can out your Thermometer up to the light and let it get hot! and show them what it says unless they take you to the doctor!

Answer #8


Answer #9

if you had any homework during the weekend, just finish all of it and then just get sum sleep! xD

Answer #10

Dint just go to school and go to bed at a decent hour. You should be more responsible and go to bed when your supposed to. If you go to college or when you get a job their not going to care if you didnt get sleep or not .

Answer #11

Take a gronola bar and chew it up really good, drink some orange juice and swoosh it around in your mouth then spit it up in the toilet and tell your mom you puked

Answer #12

lol ama try this one day !

Answer #13

Haha, it almost makes me wish I were still in school, just so I could try this once.

Answer #14

go to sleep early, dont eat much, act weeeaaak & act really cold.

Answer #15

that sounds nasty, does it really work?

Answer #16

LOL..doesn’t ur parents smell that stuff?

Answer #17


Answer #18

someone’s a bad girlll

Answer #19

Yep. Bite me’. I chewed up a gronola bar and drank some orange juice. I’m going all out bad now

Answer #20

If you had no sleep then tell them that, if you had no sleep because you decided to get none, then that sucks, it’s time to start going to school and doing something productive. If you are really sick, go to the doctor and get it aproved, or meaby have her take your tempature or something that shows that you are sick.

Answer #21

I can’t believe i am gonna tell u this lol. Now there is one i won’t say cuz it’s just bad :O But get a wash cloth early in the morning and run it under scalding hot water a while…place it on ur forehead for a while, its alright if it’s a little damp…adds to the affect :P then tell ur mom ur dizzy and running a fever and also spill some crap in the toilet and say u also have an upset tummy. U can also run ur hands under cold water…haha…flu like symptoms…hot and cold, the chills.

Answer #22

I used to get up about 4, or 5 am, stomp down the hallway, fling the bathroom door open, chugging lots of water right before of course, then gag myself and make sure i was high enough from the toilet to make lots of heavy puke splash sounds, that would be enough to wake my mother up, and before i said anything she would say “no school for you today” then after my parents left for work, id get up smoke weed and watch tv all day!

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