How does it make sense that as a child gets older you take away privileges?

Im going to be fourteen and now all of a sudden im not allowed on the computer after nine..and then also im suppose to be in bed by not aloud to go downstairs for food or water or anything.I want to run away so badly.But i have no where to go.I didn’t do anything to deserve this i swear.

Answer #1

Well to be honest you sound pretty bratty. Just deal with it. You have to understand that they are privileges and not rights. If you treat your parents with respect, and give them reason to trust you then they will. If you act like a little kid (and from this question it seems as though you are) then that is the way you will be treated. Running away is not a very mature response.

Answer #2

I can’t take it here anymore at all.I cry everyday..because everything was just alright with my parents and now it isn’t.i do respect them.

Answer #3

Perhaps you should talk to them, and tell them you’re not happy with how things are between you. You should do this calmly, without getting upset, though it may be difficult, and hopefully you can all listen to each other and sort it out

Answer #4

I have the same problem and I DO NOT think you bratty cuz I can RELATE to it.

Answer #5

I tried talking so calmly and it didn’t work..i just got yelled at.

Answer #6

Personally, if you think about it. It’s NOT bad. It’s for YOUR own health, they’re looking out for you, making sure you get enough sleep. At least you have a bed. At least you have parents. Think about how many people don’t. Just deal with it.

Answer #7

They made me spoiled and everything and now they are trying to make me into a pilgrim.No.I feel bad for people without sucks and it isn’t right.I mean i am grateful for everything but idk.

Answer #8

I get yelled at for asking my mom to plz change the radio or turn it down!

Answer #9

Everything that they’re doing is for your own good. You’ll appreciate it some day. If it really bothers you then just talk to them calmly about it. But honestly, that doesn’t seem like a very good reason to want to run away. At least your parents don’t abuse you, at least they feed and clothe you. You really don’t have it that bad; trust me.

Answer #10

My mom ignores me…

Answer #11

You know what my bedtime was at your age? 9. I didn’t have internet in my house growing up. The only time I could go on the computer was at a friend’s house or the library. I don’t think your parents’ rules are irrational. You’re a teenager, you’re growing. Sleep is important for you. If those same rules apply for weekends as well, I would talk to them about that. Weekends, you should be able to stay up a little bit longer. They’re just being parents. Them setting boundaries for you means they care. Otherwise they’d let you do whatever the heck you want. Chin up buttercup! :P

Answer #12

I think you should put things into perspective here. My bed time until I moved out about 7 months ago was 10 o’clock and I was 16 then. I was rarely allowed on the computer and not after dinner ‘cause at that time I’d have to sit in the living room with my parents and watch tv, even if I didn’t like what was on. I was a child so I accepted that I was living under my parents roof and everything I got I was not entitled to, it was a privilege. Also, it does make sense to withdraw privileges as the the child gets older if they prove themselves to be undeserving, irresponsible or if they abuse these privileges. Maybe they made the mistake of giving you too much too young. Prove yourself worthy and maybe you’ll get some of your privileges back. Just accept it.

Answer #13

Well then that’s rude and uncalled for. You should definitely talk to her about that because that’s not appropriate behavior for a parent, in my opinion. Unless she has a good reason?

Answer #14

No offence but do you understand how that first sentence sounded? Just be thankful for what you have!

Answer #15

No good reason… She could be doing absolutly nothing and I ask her something, she looks at me, turns back, and acts like shes doing something really important!

Answer #16

to make you feel any better, my parents are pretty bad, theyre complete a$$holes. but i just learned to work around it, find out other ways to get on the internet, go in your room at 10.30, listen to music till 12. my parents never find out.

Answer #17

Or respect your parents rules, seeing as you’re living under their roof. Just a thought.

Answer #18

Then when she sees me walk in the room, she hoes somewhre else!

Answer #19

I am thankful! I just hate my f** parents! They are nasty people.I’m so angry right now I don’t know what to do..everything was fine a few days ago and now my whole world is closing down on me.for no reason! I wasn’t mean bossy snotty or anything.I am just being like this now because I didn’t do anything!

Answer #20


Answer #21

You’re being slightly over dramatic. I’m sure that not being able to use the internet after 9 isn’t ‘your world closing down’. Relax, and obey your parents rules while you’re under their roof. You have no choice; so there’s not point in complaining.

Answer #22

Well, talk to another family member about it? Or you could just speak to her about it. That’s not right.

Answer #23

It probly isnt just the internet! there most likely there is more bugging her!

Answer #24

We dont live near family anymore and i dont think my mom is an option!

Answer #25

If there is, how would we know. Correct me if I’m wrong but she only stated the internet, and her bedtime. She is being really over dramatic though. Her parents, even if it may not seem like it now, are actually helping her out. No matter what, you don’t hate your parents either, and if you do, that’s insanely selfish, they give you food shelter clothing, love and care.

Answer #26

O.o are parent suposed to give you love and care?

Answer #27

Ask her why she is disrespecting you. Then listen, absolutely listen. Tape your mouth if you must. Because I have a hunch you have disrespected her in some way. Perhaps arguing a point, your feelings?

Sometimes we are so full of right, we can’t see what is wrong. More importantly, right is not always correct. Tis better to choose what is good, over what is right.

Answer #28

Why would you ask her to do that? IS there a room you can go to if she is seeking joy? Why steal her joy? She earned that.

Answer #29

But I have tried but all she says is that she is busy! I get so fed up with her disrespect that I run out in my 10 acre field and just sit there in the snow… I dont get why she ignores me 99.8% of the time!!! She uses a mean voice with me and everyone else gets a nice cheerful happy voice!!!

Answer #30

O.O she listens to music all the time! But i asked nicely but i get a big lecture and get sent to my room for interupting her! she has done this since I was 7! she is the only one with a WORKING radio and shes the only one to listen to it!

Answer #31

Technically you have a working radio. You can listen to the majority of radio stations online. Sounds like someone’s attention grabbing right now. “Listen to ME. My life is AWFUL. I only have a TEN acre field, not ELEVEN like I wanted! I have an early bedtime and my mum HATES ME. LIFE ISN’T FAIR.” Seriously. Perspective. If you want advice on how to deal with your mother ask your own question instead of stealing the attention here from Italianbabe33 and onto you. And don’t shoot down every piece of advice you’ve been given. Honestly. The world is bigger than you. Remember that.

Answer #32

you dont knwo the situation so dont talk.

Answer #33

Yes. No matter what they do love and care for you, even if you don’t realize it, it’s always for your own good!

Answer #34

Makes perfect sense if activities are causing problems in any way. If my child acts our after eating Tacos, she gets no more tacos. If my child is responsible, does things without being asked, is respectful, they get rewards. Mainly, they get praise and as long as there is not an issue of getting up on time for responsibilities, such as school, then bedtime is their choice. But if there is a problem, or it adds work to my day to get a “young adult” off to school, when they should be doing that on their own, then I set the time and rules.

Life is like a bank account. What ever you deposit you get back with interest. Good, or bad. Love or hate.

Perhaps you are behaving in a manner that concerns them? Maybe you are are using behavior that is unbecoming of what a successful person does? Maybe they are just trying to save you a lot of pain later on but attempting to pull you away from a very sick culture? Are you speaking well? Or have you picked up even just a hint of spew? Make sure you use correct English when speaking. Non dat down u b at aint no stuff. If my child talked like that, they would attend special classes after school everyday till it was corrected. You know why? Because I want them succeed in a very difficult world. And aint no gud compny gonna hire no homey who speaks the ghetto. Nor one that curses. It is just not acceptable. I can not afford to allow someone to work for me that is spewing crap on Myspace. It could wreck my business. So, the decision is simple, next? Trust me, employers, or potential employers look! You say or do anything online in poor taste to ethics that a customer could see, you’re fired. Don’t post crap on those sites, it will never go away. Same goes for Tattoos and face metal. Get a tattoo and face piercing or loopy lobes you will most likely be stuck in a low paying job all your life. A parent wants more for you than that. They have been alive a while and understand things first hand that you have not even thought of yet. Are you thinking about, or talking about any of the things I mentioned here? Are you focused on career? Remember, nothing you do on the internet is private. Not email, not IM’s, not even SMS is private. Are you sending emails that perhaps have hurt them somehow? Are you arguing and/or disrespecting? Are you smoking? You wont hide that, its not possible.

Just tell them you are hurting, and ask for their help. They are the best friends you are going to have. Especially a few years from now when things will really start to hurt. Unless of course you work hard now to be the best person you can be.

Just something to think about. They care, or this would not be happening.

Remember, Bank Account!

Answer #35

Ohmygod. You know some peoe never grew up with their parents? They live in orphan houses, you think they get all they want there? There are people living on the streets dying from the cold and of starvation. Kids who are now hobos because they ran away. I know this girl who’s parents were strict and she was an alcoholic since she was 7. Some kids don’t get Internet. So what if they spoiled you. You need to learn that one day you’re not gonna have everything you do now. You work for what you wanna, mommy and daddy won’t be there to watch out for your sleeping habits or your eating habits, or protecting you with a curfew.

Answer #36

for what you want

Answer #37

Omg I’m sorry my phone is retarded. That one girls parents WERE NOT strict and that’s why she was a drinker

Answer #38

Im not trying to steal anything!!!

Answer #39

I can’t like your answer ‘cause I’ve liked too many, but it’s very good! It’s given me a few things to think about as well :L

Answer #40

Youe situations, is not that bad. You get to go to bed by 10:30. Most have to be at bed by 9:00 Yes when you get older more privilages come, but with them comes more responsibility, and if you are not responsible or nothing then you loose that because you can’t take it yet. You won’t die if you don’t go on the computer after nine, and you wont die if you go to bed at 10:30. When you get to make your own choices you can do what you want, but now it’s normal rules, that are just in the end going to help you.

Answer #41

yeah u have it good. I’m yur age and i have to bed asleep in bed by 9:30 on schooldays and i have to have taken my shower by 11 on weekends and i have tons of chores! your lucky with what u have! but i totally understand iv’e thought of running away plenty of times but it always comes back to they’re just looking out for you and if you did you wouldn’t have a very good chance of getting anwhere. and trust me with this because I’m 13!

Answer #42

you guys every teenager goes through this at some point I’m 13 .it’s normal and we should support her. I know exactly how she’s feeling. It seems like she’s over exagerating but there is much more behind the story than you think.!

Answer #43

Yeah there actually is more behind the story but thanks for understanding <33

Answer #44

Well in my own personal experience, i never found it fair that we get less priveleges but atleast its better than when we were younger when we would have to go to sleap at 8 or what not but a good reason why we get less priveleges is because as u get older u get more reckless so more law must be inforced. But really it depends on the parent, where u are, or what kind of person you are. For instance, i have an awsome mom, i live in a safe neighborhood, and im a guy who is very cautious of wierd people. So like i said it depends on ur situation.

Answer #45

Well in my own personal experience, i never found it fair that we get less priveleges but atleast its better than when we were younger when we would have to go to sleap at 8 or what not but a good reason why we get less priveleges is because as u get older u get more reckless so more law must be inforced. But really it depends on the parent, where u are, or what kind of person you are. For instance, i have an awsome mom, i live in a safe neighborhood, and im a guy who is very cautious of wierd people. So like i said it depends on ur situation.

Answer #46

no problem, if you want to chat or anything just finmail me :)

Answer #47
  • Funmail o.e srry…
Answer #48

haha thanks forcorecting me i do that all the time lol

Answer #49

OMG i just made another typo haha

Answer #50

I got mad at my father a cuple of times but that was 40 years ago. in some ways being a teen is difucult you are learnig to deal with peopple, and people can be difucult. the way you learn to handle things now important. You will be under rules like these the rest of your life. I saw a movie recently about a 15 year boy at Lexington in 1775. After Pual revair came riding thrue the town he singed up for the milisha. at the start of the movie he sounded like many of you. He heard his mother telling his faather that he should tell teh boy that he lives him. The next mornig when they go out to meet teh red coats the father and son start talking about it. The father tells teh boy that he had been rugh on him becuse he wanted the boy to be strong deep in his roots. When we are young it seem that teh adults have all this freedom and we want it we don’t want to be told what to do. The difference between an adult and a child is that a child needs instrection, it is you parents responcuibuilty to perpair yo for life. if you fail it reflects on them. am adult knows what has to be done so they just do it you know you have to be off the computer by 9 just get off it and get ready for bed, you know you have to be in bed by 10, go to bed.

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