Parents & Family Questions

  1. Will I be a good mother?
  2. Will I be a good mother?
  3. Can I live with my boyfriend's parents?
  4. How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  5. How do I get my parents to move to another city?
  6. How should I convince my Mom to let me go to the dance?
  7. Can teens move out at 16?
  8. How to ask my parents if I can move in with my boyfriend?
  9. Should I have a baby?
  10. Parental Control: leading to mental abuse?
  11. What spa to send my parents to for their anniversary?
  12. How to cope with having a baby at 14?
  13. Would it be weird to get my Mum something for Valentine's Day?
  14. Georgia rules for moving out?
  15. Is it OK for me to leave my family if I don't trust them?
  16. Can a 16-year-old move out?
  17. Why get mad?
  18. Permission for a girlfriend?
  19. Should I move with my family?
  20. How Can I Divorce my Little Sister?
  21. How to avoid conversation with my father?
  22. My Nationality / heritage?
  23. Can I move out at 17 in New York?
  24. My Mom is an invader!
  25. How does one get over child abuse?
  26. How to get my Mom to let me move?
  27. Why shouldn't I run away?
  28. Convince my parents to transfer me to a different school?
  29. Why do my parents get angry when I don't eat?
  30. What if my Mom said she won't talk to me unless I eat?
  31. Is it OK to want pregnancy at 16?
  32. How to get away from an abusive Father?
  33. Should I invite my parents to my LDS temple marriage?
  34. Does my Dad deserve a second chance?
  35. What to do if I'm moving to Nevada?
  36. Can I move out of my Mom's house?
  37. How Can I Find My Father For Free?
  38. What if my father comes around after the personal protection
  39. Can I move out without my parents approval?
  40. Should I move out if I'll lose my Mom for good?
  41. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant again?
  42. Is it wrong to be teenage parents?
  43. Can my boyfriend move out at 17 in Indiana?
  44. Can I move out at 18 in South Africa?
  45. What are a teen Mom's rights in Ohio?
  46. Can I move out at 17 in OK?
  47. How can I deal with my Mom?
  48. How to get my parents to understand me?
  49. Should I have a baby?
  50. Do you think I'll ever see my Dad again?
  51. Why is my Stepdad a jerk?
  52. Can I stop my Dad from forcing my sister to get an abortion?
  53. How to tell my strict mother that I have a boyfriend?
  54. How can I convince my mom to let my friend sleep over?
  55. How to hide a tongue ring from parents?
  56. How to get my adopted parents to let me leave?
  57. Can I move out with nothing being done about it?
  58. What if my sister is trying to get pregnant?
  59. How to tell my parents I might be pregnant?
  60. How to get my parents to let me date him?
  61. Is it my fault my Dad's an alcoholic?
  62. Should I go live with my Dad?
  63. How can I move out of my Mom's house?
  64. Is emancipation a good idea for a 16 year old in my situation?
  65. How do I deal with my 5 year old sister?
  66. How Can I Convince My Mum To Move Away From Torquay?
  67. What to buy him for my Brothers 18th Birthday?
  68. Is anyone else here a quadruplet?
  69. How can I find my father from Kuwait?
  70. How do I locate my adopted brother?
  71. Is anyone a teen parent?
  72. How to stop being sad about moving?
  73. What's the legal age to move out in Texas?
  74. Can I move out at the age of 17 in Texas?
  75. How to get emancipated?
  76. How Do I Find A Way To Help me Deal With The Loss Of My Dad?
  77. Why does my mom have to be like this?
  78. How to find my grandfather?
  79. How to get my parents to let me have a cell phone?
  80. Can I move in with my older boyfriend?
  81. What do you think about overprotective cousions or brothers?
  82. How long would it take to adopt my friend's baby?
  83. How to get my Dad to let me travel with my Mom?
  84. What kind of hobbies do stay-at-home Moms have?
  85. Should I go visit my Dad?
  86. What if my Dad hates my boyfriend?
  87. How to make it so my sister gets custody of me?
  88. What if my inlaws still don't know me?
  89. How to get my parents to let me have a computer?
  90. How to help my older brother?
  91. What to do when my Mom makes me feel ugly and low?
  92. How to get my parents to let me play this game?
  93. Can I move out if I'm only 16?
  94. How can I get my parents out of the house?
  95. What should I do to get my parents approval?
  96. How to leave home at 17?
  97. How to get more freedom?
  98. How to tell my Mom I might be pregnant?
  99. Does anyone else have such strict and controlling parents?
  100. Where can I run away too?