What if my Dad hates my boyfriend?

I’m 18 and I have a boyfriend. My dad does not like himbecause he is 22. Im my dads only child. My dad told my boyfriends parents 2 tell their son to stay away from me me. Now my dad is trying to make my life as hard as possible to see him. My dad won’t talk to me. My mom said he is hurt. By the way I’m still in highskool. Please help me?<3

Answer #1

your dad is just worried about you. after all, you are his little girl. and he has the opinion of every other dad, “you know he only wants one thing” and he doesnt want you to get hurt. just give it time, and if your dad still doesnt like it, theres nothin he can really do. just ignore it. its what I do.

Answer #2

Heyy ano im only 13 buh I’ve had a boyfriend for 2 years now! and my dad didnt lie him at 1st cause hes 2years older!!! buh I jus took him into my home and told me dad hes really nice and all! at 1st my dad always said awww young love buh as I got older my dad hated it more buh I got my mum to hve a word I dino wa she said buh now hes cool with it ! jus relax if you love him then thats fine your dads jus dont want der young gurls to get hurt thats alll! hoppe mines is kk for you to understand :) !


Answer #3

In many cases parents think they know absolutely everything that’s right for their sons, but the often forget about their sons decisions, and they take and make decissions without even asking their sons. In my opinion you should somehow try to make your dad understand that he is the person that you chose right now because he is the one that makes you happy and he’s not only trying to get into bed with you, that he is seious into the relationship and age doesn’t have to be a problem because age is just a number, just that. If you really love your boyfriend and he loves you back, then he will be open to understand your situation and wait for you as long as your dad needs to understand that HE is the one you chose ‘cause he is making you happy. Also, I think you should try to introduce them both and show your dad that because he is 22 doens’t mean he is a monster, on the contrary, he can be a really sweet person.

Answer #4

The ultimate reason why fathers dislike the daughter’s boyfriend/husband is that they feel disrespected. A father also needs the reassurance that whoever his daughter ends up with better be honorable and be able to support and take care of her and their future family. Fathers are particularly protective of their daughters, and the best thing to do is to emphasize the respect from your boyfriend, and realize that parents only want what’s best for you.

Im a daughter out of three. And my dad is the epitome of strictness. I’m 22 and I’m currently trying to introduce my boyfriend into the family. Everyone else knows about us, except my dad. Lies and sneaking around has made the situation incredibly difficult. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth.

Answer #5

I would need to know more about this guy to really give you advice. Like is he into drugs or just likes to party? Does he have any ambitions? You’ve probably heard this before, but there are so many guys out there so don’t worry if this one doesn’t work out.

You’re a senior right? What about your future? Have you thought of going to college or where you want to be in five years.

I was in the same situation at your age. Dating guys that the family didn’t approve of. Now I’m 23 and a little behind on my goals in life. The guys I dated in highschool are a past memory. All I’m saying is let life and your ambitions guide you. You never know who you might meet along the way.

Answer #6

Your father knows the life better than you when he takes decision; he takes the better decision for your life especially you his only child, when he said no to your boyfriend because he saw something on him and maybe he doesn’t want to tell you. But if your boyfriend is right for you then you will be with him. Let the decision in the God hand.

Answer #7

Firmly tell him to stop this and dont make it a request. Its your life.

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