How can I deal with my Mom?

I can’t deal with my mom anymore! She is always putting me down and has been doing it since I was very young. All day she tells me how lazy, immature and selfish I am. She says how she is so amazed how I have friends because of what a terrible person I am. She also tells me how I’ll never have a job when I’m older and I’ll be dependent and uneducated. I don’t know why does this. I have talked to her but she handles it in a really immature way and now I just want her out of my life. I wish I had another parent to talk to but she and my dad got divorced when I was younger and I don’t really see my dad but twice a year. How can I deal with this?

Answer #1

my mum says the exact same things to me!!! seriousli its creepy how they say tha same fings

Answer #2

Try your best to get along - she’s the only Mother you’ll ever have, love her and never lose contact - you need each other - some general help:

Growing up is very difficult—for both you and your parents. They remember a little bundle of joy that they held and nurtured as a baby and now they see a budding adult. These days, children face things and know about things that their parents would never have imagined at the same age. The teenagers of today look older, act older and want to be older than their counterparts did just 20 years ago. It is the desire of all parents for their children grow up in the way that they should go (loving, caring, respectful, and being of good solid character). It is necessary that you truly understand that your parents have your best interests at heart. They will withhold privileges, set limits, and raise you to the best of their ability (neither they nor you are perfect), but be Thankful - They Care - many, many, many don’t. Ask them for guidance and seek to understand what truly motivates their decisions. One of the best ways to prove your maturity and prove that you are ready for more trust is to be respectful of your parent’s wishes and accept their guidance. Learn how to communicate love, honor, and respect to each other - don’t forget she’s probably under a lot of stress having do both roles mom/dad…I wish you every happiness in your future !!

Answer #3

ya I too feel that mom is the one who wants you to be happy throughout frm the bottoms of her heart. May be since she is divorced and alone she is irriatated msotly but you have patience and evn if she behaves immauturally …show her your concerns and love her a lot…that wayz she will get empathise and feel low that despite she being that rude, you r tolerant and speak wid tender care and love…see if it works if I rem, you had sum probs wid your sis too… she used to spy you a lot…is she okay now… hw are rest of things going on your side… ???

Answer #4

Parents can make a break a child’s self esteem, but as we get older and realize that our parents are human too, and see that some people may never really “grow” up, even yes our parents, we have the choice to let their words hurt us or not. This is where one has to really love oneself! Know who you are and stand up behind everything you are and believe in. My parents divorced when I was younger as well, and I was lucky to see the other parent once a year, sometimes not for years! I lived with my dad for the majority of the time and he’d always remark on how I reminded him of my mom, always with bad intentions behind his words … as time went on, I turned 18 an moved out, but always kept communication lines open! Even though your mom may say all those hurtful things to you, it may be out of jealousy or even fear for you! Let her know her words hurt, but then instead of arguing with her, just show her through your actions her words are not founded in truth! If she see’s how successful you do become, trust me, she will regret every words that has come out of her mouth! That’s kind of the path I took, and although my parents may say hurtful things still, at least they know I’ve done well for myself … the rest is up to them whether or not they want to do anything about forming a deeper relationship. I’ve done all I’ve can, kept my side of the street clean (not retaliating to their accusations, and just showing the love I could under the circumstances) Remember sometimes growing up means humbling oneself to make the greater end a goal instead of the moment.

Answer #5

parents always want best for their children, some are good at handling the way their children are supposed to be, others try to do it the way their parents did it…but they don’t understand of what kind of an impact that is on the children, but anyways, look if she complains that you are lazy, immature, and God knows what, do what I did with my dad, I started doing the opposite and for say not being lazy, and being mature about things, I didn’t give him a chance for say to get on my case every 2 secs, so well it worked and even though once in a while he does do the same, but mostly he really has nothing to complain about the little things…

so if you don’t want to be treated like a child, don’t act like a child…I tell my younger sister the same thing, she’s turning 16 and well so far so good, she’s kept herself outta the little nag trap by not giving my parents a chance to nag her on anything…

its the little things you can do to fix this, clean your room, go to school on time, be back on time, do you homework, do your chores without your mom screaming at you while you decide to do them…

and always remember, you are at this pt of you life that you’ll start getting into boys and whatnot, make sure you always remember this

[you will have lots of relationship in the future, guys and friends will come and go, BUT NONE CAN TAKE THE PLACE OF YOUR MOTHER, the one who gave you birth]

Answer #6

Maddy, is there someone else you can talk to in your family? Like an aunt, or a grandparent, someone that your mother respects? Your mom may have had some hardships since she’s a single mom, and she may just be stressed out and taking it out on you.

Mothers and daughter often go through some adversity or crisis during the teen years but it usually gets much better as you get older. 13 was the worst age I remember, and my mother at that time was NOT one of my favourite people. When I look back, I can see where we both went wrong. She was too rigid and I was too sensitive to criticism.

Give your mom a chance – if there’s no one else in your family to talk to, start with a guidance counselor at school and see where it can go from there. You’ll get through these tough years :)

Answer #7

if I were you I would prove her wrong and ignore her mean comments so when you do get older you could have the best job out there and then you’ll be able to live your life without her. remember don’t let know one break your spirit cause anybody can talk and say you aint go do this’or ‘ you ain”t go never be nuthin. but its up to weather or not you want to succeed in life.

Answer #8

not trying to be mean but se a councler had same problens wit step-mom but worce he/she will help

Answer #9

well girl I have basically the same problem my ma puts me down to but I go to God with my problems…like say a lil prayer trust me it will work… and then you can maybe find a job and prove your mother wrong about you… I think your ma might just be sayin things her ma said to her when she was younger…

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