Why get mad?

Okay, say your son or daughter went to a party without telling you and something bad happened to them there. What are your reasons behind getting angry at them? How will that make the situation any better? Or say they ran away, wouldn’t they already feel bad?

Answer #1

It’s certainly not unreasonable for the parent to be disappointed with the broken trust or lack of moral/common sense judgement used because they raised them to be responsible/respectful/truthful - so, a ‘let down’ - each person is certainly entitled to their feelings/views on the matter - certainly the child should feel bad, their poor judgement was the cause in the first place…Hope this helps !!

Answer #2

Because they are worried about your safety…no matter how ‘in control’ you may feel. Them getting angry lets you know you should avoid doing it again. If I had children and they ran away…I would be angry for the same reasons. It all depends on the way the parents react, and how well they convey the message, without going overboard.

Answer #3

because they didn’t tell you, where they were going and if something happened. you would be really mad and upset at them for not telling you where they were and yes they probably would feel very bad if you were hurt inside.

I hope this helps your question!

Answer #4

well for one thing, maybe getting mad will prevent a repeat of the situation… also parents are people too (yes real live human beings with feelings…) so they get upset when they are worried… and when someone goes somewhere without telling you and you start imagining all sorts of bad things, and then it turns out something bad did happen, you tend to blow up… maybe its not a reasoned logical response, but sometimes people react to things… even if it doesnt make things better…

Answer #5

no…because a lot of people who go to parties or run away without telling there parents are the kind of people who are sort of looking for trouble. or even if there not, there just stupid but dont know it at the time there parents get mad at them because there worried, there trying to protect there child…they dont want them running off to a party without them knowing were they are…because anything could happen they get mad so the child should be smart enough to realise “hmmwell hat made mum mad I shouldnt do that again without telling my parents were im going first and if they agree to it I can go” bu hardly any kids think like that anymore do they?!

Answer #6

parents cant always help getting mad even thought they know its not making the situation any easier they just lose control

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