How Can I Divorce my Little Sister?

I too have heard about divorcing a parent, but I just want to divorce my little sister. We have nothing in common and can not for the life of us get along. I think she just hates me because I had a baby and she is no longer the little girl. However she doesn’t hate my daughter. I have no feelings toward her just dislike.

Answer #1

She is the only little sister you have for a sibling. To want to divorce her witch you can’t, Is wrong, Yes I have a sister, we fight like crazy we say we hate each other and we want each other to leave forever but we then remember the few fun times we have and how much we truly love each other though it is a rare show. But to have a sister is a gift. Love her, cherish her, and keep her!

Answer #2

lol, you’re taking all this waaay too far and seriously. if you were the more “mature person” you would have stopped after comment number one.

Answer #3

^^ to stephanief, no, you don’t have to be married to get divorced… you can get legally divorced from your parents when you turn 16. it’s called an emancipation…this girl was wondering if you can get emancipated from your sibling, which you can’t. jeeze don’t be so harsh.

Answer #4

Funny how you tell me to get over it, yet your the one that complained about it in the first place. So what, I’ve never heard of it because they don’t have it in my province… it doesn’t matter. Bye.

Answer #5

I wish there was suchthing as divorcing your sibling but you would probably need to get married first an thats just wrong ahaha just try an deal we all have to

Answer #6

Divorce means you were married and you split up. You aren’t married to your sister, so you cant divorce her. You have a baby and you don’t know what divorce is? Shes your sister no matter what, all sisters fight.

Answer #7

it could be the age difference… maybe she needs to grow up and mature a little bit more and things my turn around. I have 2 other sisters and 1 brother, none of us got a long when we were younger and in our teens, now we have all graduated high school and we have so much in common and we get along great! just give it time! don’t fuel the fire if there is an argument, just let it go!

Answer #8

actually no I’m not trying to be “defensive”, so don’t think you’re so cool and that you “figured me all out,” I’m just telling you to stop replying because I don’t want my account deleted. I didn’t really “complain,” I just said you were being a little harsh, which you still are. jeesh, stop replying.

EDIT wow how mature, stop re-editing all of your comments and taking out all of the bad things you said, because I already saw them.

Answer #9

Actually they don’t have that where I live so how was I supposed to know?

Answer #10

I dont think that you can divorse or disown yur little sister, but I’ve always wanted 2 do that with my little borther. I dont think that you r immature. I know just how you feel. it s like he gets posssed or somethin. one minute, he’s nice and calm and happy and the next, someone makes one comment about him and he blows up. he hits people and yells REALLY loudly and embarasses me in public. me and my other bro were on the bus with him yesterday and he started hitting this kid my age with his lunch bag and this girl was like: wut’s wrong with him and we were like: we dont know.he thinks that he can get his way and mistreat people and yell and scream and be a brat and get away with it and when I giv him a little taste of his own medicine, my dad yells at me. I always used to complain 2 him about wut my little bro does and he called him in and yelled at him or calmly talked to him, then gave him a soda or a peice of candy or somethin, it pissed me off cause my dad did nothing and expected me 2 be all sweet to my little brother. I’m like him mother cause she doesn’t live with us and I basically get yelle at for acting like a kid cause he says I need to “grow up and step up”. my other bro is one year older than me and he doesn’t get told this nearly as much as me. probably cause I’m a girl. I can take care of myself, but cause of my eight year old bratter(brat brother) I get in trouble all of the time and dotn even get to have a life. I cant wait till I start high school next year so I can leave that brat in the dust and go off 2 have some fun(not like that, just actually have a life).

I feel yur pain, dont sweat it. one day, you’ll get a chance 2 get her off yur bac, TAKE IT=D

p.s. srry this is so long, I just really dont like my brother too much.

Answer #11

Actually if you’re saying stephanief987 is not being the ‘mature person’ then you’re jsut as bad becuase you’re replying too =] Sorry I know I shouldn’t be getting involved in this but I did have to point it out. I feel sorry about the poor person who has asked this question, instead of lots of nice responses they get a pinneckety argument going on :)

Well..aobriant22 whether or not you can or How you can get divorced to your sister, I can’t answer. But what I can help you with is this situation with your sister. If you dislike her then why do you have to go through this whole ‘divorce’ process? Los of people, at some point of their life have problems with certain family members, I’ve got a completely disfunctional family! How about not making an official law - abiding rule about your relationship with your sister. Either talk to her, or if it will result in an argument then leave it. We all know that there are just those people who we don’t get on with. It’s easier to avoid family members than argue.

So, what I’m saying is you don’t need to bother with the trouble of ‘divorcing’ your sister. Either talk to her, find some sort of compromise, sort something out or just avoid her to avoid the arguments.

I wish you the best of luck. I know how horrible it is to have someone who you dislike so much in your own immediate family =/

Answer #12

I didn’t say they don’t have it in Canada. I DID search it and they actually don’t in my province.

Answer #13

lol, no you can’t divorce your sister I believe.

Answer #14

look it up, they actually do have it in canada smarty pants.

Answer #15

dude, stop nit-picking at the littlest things, your profile says you live in canada, and there is in fact a law about that in canada. I don’t care if they don’t have it in some little town in far-off nowhere land, I’m just trying to tell you that you don’t have to be married to be divorced. please get over it. that’s it. don’t continue this thread, thanks bye.

Answer #16

I was changing it to make more sense. And it was before you replied so I didn’t think it mattered. I can reply if I want to, you telling me to stop means nothing to me, who do you think you are queen bee now? I’ll be the more MATURE person though and stop coming back, because I can see you have problems with that.

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