Where can I run away too?

I’m an 13 years old in tears,turning 14 in March.Since 2000 I been depressed.I lost a lot of closest family member over the years and it cause that depressing to grow even more.Then my closest cousin told my deepest secert to my brother and his friends.Since then they all laugh at me.I have no friends.My cousins and my brother always talk about me everytime I’m around…and when I tell my mom she just said they just having fun.Your brother never had friends when he your age.All my life I see him with friends laughing and having fun…I was always alone…she doesn’t see that.then she always force me to do stuff go places..but never force my brother to go.If I don’t live my family now I’m going to kill myself. Where can I run away too?

Answer #1

Running away from your problems will just make you feel worse, besides, think of it like this, your only 13/14 years old, you have so many years to come, and you can improve yourself way beyond anyone’s expectations, you should try to reserves your sadness into a reinforcement of a passive/aggressive attitude and let them point at you and laugh at you, let that fuel your assertiveness to be someone when you get out of school, graduate, go to college, and be someone who EVERYONE looks forward to seeing, and prove the people who used to laugh at you that your not worthless.

Remember: The ones you make you sad, make you mad, and make you suffer, are the ones who CONTROL you.

Don’t let anyone control your life, follow the path that will make you successful, the path of life that will inspire young people when your older to do the same thing you did, and when you look back on how your life used to be, you will laugh at yourself and prove to everyone that you are more powerful than them by proving that YOU CAN do something, and that YOU CAN achieve greatness.

Show everyone that you aren’t worthless, and if you are really taking this advice I am giving you, the first thing you should do is focus on your school work until your out of high school, do things that you know will make you achieve success, and don’t fall for sadness, or anger, because that will destroy what you could want to build.

Only you, can change your future, and only you, can make a difference.

Answer #2

Life is tough…as are the things we go through growing up. My life was pretty crappy…but the trials you face shape the person you will be. Just because it’s bad doesn’t mean you should run away..and don’t kill yourself just because you’re too weak to handle this right now. I”m not trying to say I know how you feel. You’re really young so for you this is a HUGE deal…just use this as a motivation to make something great of yourself so you can leave. One day, it will seem so small compared to the other problems you face. Your brother and his friends are going to laugh.That’s what siblings are good for. Your mother may make you go places, but..she’s your mother..she’s going to do that..just be glad you have her. I’m sorry that you’ve lost a lot of people you’re close to, but it happens. I”m sorry you don’t have a lot of friends, but friends are good for stabbing you in the back, so that’s not so bad. Just chill out some and try to remember that your life could be a million times worse.

Answer #3

un if you ask me you should run away to a park and stay there in the day and sneek back in late @ nite if you like ma idea get@ me

Answer #4

Don’t run away. That is the worst thing you can do, and it is illegal if you are underage.. which you are. Go to a doctors and talk to them, or your school counsoler they can get you some anti-depressence wich will help you cope with it.

hope I helped, xoxo :)

Answer #5

dude dont I ran away and was put in juvi for 2 weeks its the worst thing ever! im 13 omost 14 to so just ignore your bro if you need help with the depresion ask a school counsiler thats what I did and im fine now

Answer #6

confront your brother an tell him to stop making jokes / laughing at you because you really don’t like it.

when you feel depressed you cud ( if you have a dairy ) right in it about what makes you depressed an why it does an you cud show it to your mum.

or you cud do what I did but you might not want to slit your wrists but its up to you what you do with your body.


Answer #7

Are you taking any anti-depressants? I would consult your doctor if you aren’t taking something, my brother almost hung himself in sixth grade, he has been happy ever since he got anti-depressants and counsling. You aren’t happy, running will only make it worse. Talk to your brother and cousin about how you’re feeling. You’ve always got a friend, I’m right here. :)

Answer #8

I don’t recommend anti-depressants, since it’s an unnatural form of healing the mind. Believing in yourself is the best way to be happy. You don’t have to have friends, friends are only their to fill in the voids that most people have because they can’t be 100% happy about themselves, but if you can be happy with no friends, then I would say you can achieve happiness and peace of mind.

Answer #9

dont run

Answer #10

dont run

Answer #11

go to a friends house but tell your parents first!!!

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