Questions & Answers

  1. what should I do?
  2. kids and pets
  3. Job ideas for a sixteen year old, how do I find one?
  4. He broke it off
  5. How can I get my mom to like him?
  6. cable bill arrived in name of husbands ex girlfiend, should I be a
  7. Birthcontrol, does taking the pill have an effects on moods or cau
  8. Weight loss, i'm fifteen and can't find anything that works
  9. how to get him to talk to me
  10. question -4 the urbz -4- NDS
  11. divorced friends with benefits?
  12. Is she too young
  13. How do I get him back?
  14. abusive relationship??
  15. Horny around my period
  16. Female Pleasure
  17. depression, I don't know how to help it
  18. Coma's what are they? what kind different stages are there?
  19. shoud I forget it?
  20. does he
  22. my ex
  23. My boyfriend smokes pot
  24. How 2 Kiss?
  25. What from here
  26. Pregnant at fifteen, how do I explain it
  27. what to do
  28. Have been trying to get pregnant for the past 7 months
  29. mother-in-law causes major upset between my husband and I
  30. temperature
  31. the truth about pigeons
  32. Realationship trouble
  33. me being overweight and my fathers opinon
  34. Mr Wrong??
  35. He's ready and I'm not
  36. Too big age difference?
  37. How to get a guy?
  38. Why do i bleed after sexual activity?
  39. flying into Minnepolis to go into Wisconsin, any tips on what to e
  40. is he cheating or not?
  41. Great restaurants
  42. Aphrodesiacs.
  43. Puppy for my fiance.
  44. What's the best way to get rid of a mouse in the house?
  45. pregnant test
  46. How do I have sex?
  47. How can I break up with him?
  48. I'm scared about giving labor
  49. He used to be really nice but hes turned horrible
  50. what works with babies/ toddlers
  51. I need to get out please help!!!
  52. what should i do????? he likes me i know it!
  53. A woman I like can't move on as a result fo her x-boyfriend.
  54. how can i not lose the opportunity?
  55. What is he thinking?
  56. Which guy should I choose?
  57. Toddler dreams
  58. I need help for ADD
  59. Please help my heartsbroken and I dont know what to do ASAP
  60. working on my realationship
  61. Third-party harrassment from a Collection Agency.
  62. Advice on how to win a guy before valentines day...
  63. Teacher hates me
  64. who should I stay with?
  65. Need to boost the sexlife, please help
  66. will it last?
  67. How can I get my mom to kick my stepdad out?
  68. my best friend"s boyfriend having crush on me....
  69. english language
  70. Dating Problem
  71. Fighting Back to the 'scene'
  72. I need help boyfriend wont cum
  73. Why can't he get me there?
  74. do u really think its nerves?
  75. Ways to last longer?
  76. the urbz sims in the city
  77. shorter question
  78. Paintball places?
  79. Fiance thinks she's fat
  80. My dog has a bladder problem.
  81. What are the bases in making out?
  82. A guy I like has a girlfriend. but he keeps looking at me
  83. am I over weight?
  84. He has a girlfriend and I'm attached.
  85. Cheating and lies
  86. when is it less likely for me to get pre
  87. I don't know what career I want
  88. I want another chance!?
  89. Should I talk to him?
  90. Embarrassed to give head?
  91. clingy boyfriend
  92. my boyfriend/cheater
  93. 21st bday gift ideas
  94. I hate being poor
  95. What cause's skin tags?
  96. what is a guy to do?
  97. goin limp
  98. I am a jealous friend seaking help
  99. now jamie is tellin me to choose
  100. What is happening with me?