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Does he have feeling for ex girlfriend? Have been together for four months and living together.He cares for me and is over protective but have learnt to live wit it and he made me cut off my communications with male friends because he describe it as a threat.Amonth ago noticed a suspicious mail from ex and he has been calling her though they are miles away.The one time he was on phone late hours was doing nights and got to know about it when asked he denied but I set the truth on table and he said he didnt want to hurt me.Now yesterday valentines he called her for over an hour and was past midnight he denied it but I know the truth because she sent him mail that she is touched by the gesture and that all was said last night.Yes I love him but it definate something is going on.Dont want to make a hasty decision but am confused what should I do? He feels like a stranger to me now because have been honest with him and he knows I hate lies.Please advise.

Answer #1

Ok, have you ever heard the expression “he wants his cake and eat it too”. Well, this looks to me like the perfect definition of that. He wants to have you and make sure you don’t talk to anyone else, yet when it comes to him he feels it ok to talk to his ex-girlfriend and make nice “gestures” towards her. This is definitely not cool. First of all by “making” you cut off ties with your male friends he is becoming too demanding. Overprotective is not the word it’s more like controlling. When you loose the right to have whatever friends you want and go wherever you want you’re slowly loosing your identity.

As for this ex-girlfriend, there definitely is something going on. It doesn’t matter if it’s not physical it can still be emotional. If he’s whispering sweet nothings into her ear over the phone it still gives you reason to raise hell. When people usually cheat on thier girlfriends or boyfriends they almost always get suspicous that the other person is doing it to them. They have the mentality that if they are “getting away” with it then that person must be doing the same thing. Therefore, if he feels “threatened” by you even speak with your male buddies then he obviously feels that flirting over the phone is wrong. You catch my drift? To put it simply, if he doesn’t want you doing it because he thinks it’s wrong then why is he able to do it, then you have just the same right to think that him being on the phone is wrong.

To summarize, he’s trying to have his cake and eat it too. Nip this behavior, give him a taste of his own medicine by calling one of your guy friends and being secretive about it or give him the boot. Whichever you choose just don’t let him walk all over you.

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