Should I talk to him?

I was with this guy for 3 days , we kiss on the first day but so many times , by the way he was the first boy that I ever kiss, anyway after 3 days he acted differently , ignoring me , therefore I ignored him to , then suddenly he came and ask me why I never call him? and that’s he’s mad at me , and we’re over. afterward he saw me with a friend of mine , later on he came and talk to me, touching me on the arms , trying to touch my back and he asks me if the guy was my boyfriend? I told him no , days goes on , and he salutes me when he sees me , everytime wer’e going to talk something interrupted us , I don’t see him everyday , but the thing is when I see him I kept on ignoring him, I don’t know why , may be I want him to think that I don’t miss him , but that’s not true , I want , I need him , I love him , what can I do ? I’m tired of looking for him! should I talk to him and tell him that I miss him? if so, I don’t him to act like he’s the man , what can I possibly do?

Answer #1


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