my boyfriend/cheater

What should I do, im in love with my boyfriend he cheats on me and I know it he lies to me about it and I just dont know how to let him go because I love him so much, what should I do?

Answer #1

Give him an ultimatum to make him think. Stop cheating or I’m leaving. Or you can start being really controlling and know every place he is at every moment.

But all of this can really stress and bug you out. I personally think you should just break it off. He is throwing your love away and totally disregarding you when he is doing this. And no woman deserves that. You deserve better.

Answer #2

you can love someone all you want, but it wont make a difference if they dont love you back. some people can be in love and still cheat. its personal issues they need to work on, and arnt ready for a relationship yet. no one deserves to be cheated on over and over. so dump the loser, and go out with your friends for a spa day. there are 2 sayings that stick out when i think of this situation “ everyone is born alone, and they die that way too”. meaning, think of the one person that is there from the start to finish. YOU. the other, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”. you really need to dump the boy. it wont be easy, you will cry, you will be depressed and you’ll feel like shit for awhile. but that ray of sunshine that no one ever belives will come after a relationship, well, it does. good luck

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