Realationship trouble

I was with this guy for about 2 months, though I was speaking to him for about 6 months… Our relationship was so perfect, we hadn’t had any sexual relations and it was so mature and he always told me he liked and cared about me so much! … anyway, i then found out he was with another girl? AT THE SAME TIME!! they have been together for 3 years and i didn’t know.. because he had told me he broke up with her and everything! … i’m just really confussed on why he would do something like that when we didn’t have sex so it wasn’t like he was using me! his still with his 3 year girlfriend.. and him and i are still friends but i still like him heaps and i don’t know what to do! ..

Answer #1

Whoa, your still friends with him? He lied to you and betrayed his girlfriend, this is not boyfriend material or even friend material. By leading you on to thinking he had broken up with his girlfriend he obviously did not have your feelings in mind. Suppose a year went by and you fell in love and he still didn’t break the news to you, how would you have felt then. It’s great that you found out only 2 months into it but he still should have come clean or actually broke up with his girlfriend to be with you. As for why he didn’t have sex with you, who knows? He was probably working out some scheme to eventually have sex with you, but you finding out ruined his plans. Sorry if I’m coming on too strong but guys like these are like wolves dressed in sheeps clothing. It’s a good thing you weren’t tricked any further but let that be a warning and stay away from his lying and cheating self.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice