what to do

Hi! I’m Anthony an I’m aged 16. Well I’m best friends with this girl called Vikki, we’ve known each other for about 10 months and have been best mates for 8 months. Well a for about 5 of these months we’ve been fine we were great together had little nick names for each other and talked every single day about everything. Although about 3 months ago I started to look at her differently and had a huge crush on her. Ever since then I’ve been very different around her like shy and being careful about what I say an hoping to say the right things. Now we hardly see each other only talk on the phone and we are not very conversational. I was wondering what to do about it because I want to tell her to get it out, but at the same time I don’t want to ruin our friendship. HELP!!

Answer #1

Well, it seems that these secret feelings are already driving apart your once wonderful relationship. You have nothing to lose at this point. Try to get your feelings out, however you feel most comfortable. If you feel most comfortable by letter, email, IM, phone or by person, tell her how you feel. If the feeling’s mutual then great and go after her, if it’s not then you can work towards making your friendship back to the way it was.

Answer #2

this may seem a little forward, but u could try being straight with her and ask her out?

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