How can I break up with him?

Iam 16 years old and this boy named donnnie sykes who is 18 years old asked me out and I said yes,but my mom found out about it and she was really mad and she said if I didn’t break up with him she would break up with him for me.How can I break up with him without hurting his feelings?

Answer #1

If he’s 18, and you’re not, he could go to jail…best to simply explain that while he’s a great guy, you’re simply not interested in him.

Perhaps do it over the phone, or go to starbucks, someplace well lit with a lot of people around. Good luck.

Answer #2

You are still a minor. He could go to jail. You should prbably tell him the whole story and how you feel about him. If he was a goro boyfriend he’d be considerate of you.

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