Pregnant at fifteen, how do I explain it

Hello Everyone! I;m new to this and i have a huge preoblem. I am 15 and pregnant. I live with my mom and two brothers. The Dad is 20 yrs old. I cannot tell anyone he is the father because i dont want him to go to jail. As far as everyone knows… i dont even know him… There is no way im getting an abortion because i couldnt live with myself. Adoption is out of the question too! I know this is going to ruin my life. Does anyone have any advice when telling my mom or even if they have gone through this ! please help

Answer #1

hi my name is ashley i got pregnat when i was 15 2 and i know its hard but u will get throgh it but you gotta tell you prarnets now because it will come out sooner or later because your gonna need the help from the childs fater because i did it alone and it was so hard no my daughter is 14months so you need to do whats right

Answer #2

Raising a child even at 15 will not necessarily “ruin your life.”

It sure makes things tough but you still have some control over your destiny. I read a story by single mother who was homeless and at times had to beg for money to feed her kids. She scraped by and got ahead little by little until she finished college and became a professional writer.

You can still have a rich fufilling life, you just have a passenger to bring along now.

Answer #3

First of all, if you don’t want the abortion DON’T do it. I have heard stories where women have had to have that done against their will and have fallen into deep depressions. You have no other choice but to discuss your issue with your parents. They will eventually find out if you decide to keep the baby and it’s better you tell them than them eventually seeing the bump. This will not ruin your life, they have schools where you are able to attend and they will watch your child. They provide daycare for children of all ages. You will still be able to finish high school and take it from there.

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