
Why are oysters and chocolate considered aphrodesiacs? Are their any more?

Answer #1

An aphrodisiac is a food, drink, drug, scent, or device that, promoters claim, can arouse or increase sexual desire, or libido. A broader definition includes products that improve sexual performance. Named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, the list of supposed sexual stimulants includes anchovies and adrenaline, licorice and lard, scallops and Spanish fly, and hundreds of other items.

Other aphrodisiacs include Ginseng, rhinoceros horn and oysters. Chilies, curries, and other spicy foods particularly for their effect on the rapid heartbeat.

This is a website that explains why some foods are considered aphrodisiacs. http://www.mypleasure.com/education/sexed/edible_aphrodisiacs.asp

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