He's ready and I'm not

I am 15 and this guy is ready to have sex. I am really not. I cant ask my mom b/c she knows him and I cant talk to my friends b/c they dont like him. So I mean I am a christian person but I really like this guy and he really isnt. Does Phone sex count as loseing your virginity?? My mom thinks so. I dont really know.We have had phone sex three times. My mom knows about it though. I think I am ready to have sex. But there is an iffy thing in me. what should I do he want to finger me and he wants me to give him a BJ. I dont know how to do all this b/c I’ve never done it. I feel like really weird b/c I dont know how. ANd he does. I dont really like to ask people around me b/c they say I am too young to have a physical realationship. But I dont think that I am. I like this guy A LOT!! Please help me I am so confused. I think I am ready, but I dont want to get pregnant! So whats the best way other than no sex for protection.

Answer #1

Your only 15, youre not ready to have sex. If you have to ask how to do things, Youre not ready. Sex is not love< and love is not sex! If hes the one asking for things, do you think he really likes you? Youre just gonna be another “notch” in his belt!! Guys’ advice - to Girls - On when to start having sex . . . Wait until you’re married. Young men today are looking for young women who have not been used, abused, and accused. Robert, 18 I know girls won’t listen to this unless they’re dedicated, but I advise them to wait until they’re married… Joey, 17 Wait until you’re married. Most guys out there are users and you’ll end up getting hurt, having a bad reputation, and more than likely, in the long run, being alone. Don’t do it to make your boyfriend happy. Hamilton, 18

Girls share thoughts on pre-marital sex . . Once you’ve lost your virginity, you can never get it back. Tara, 15 Wait. If he says he likes you so much, yet he just wants to get his own way, no matter how you feel, that stinks. But it happens all the time. Andrea, 18 It may be unrealistic, but if you have sex in relationships when you’re not married you’re taking the risk of having a very painful breakup because of the sexual ties. Martha, 16 It sounds tacky, but I say wait until you’re married. I know guys have more respect for virgins. Sally, 17 Wait until you’re married. Then when you have sex, it will mean something - that you’re in love with your husband and want him to be the first. Raquel, 17 There are a lot of guys who only want one thing, and after that, you’re history. Jennifer, 17 Guys are users and abusers. They just want to feed their pleasures and desires. They aren’t concerned with your feelings at all. Shannon, 17 Some boys say “If you love me, you’ll have sex with me,” and some girls believe that if they do it, they will keep him. But having sex with a guy doesn’t make him stay, because when he’s ready to take off, believe me, he’ll take off anyway. Judy, 14 If I had it to do over again, I would save my virginity until I was married. Valerie, 18

Being dumped after having sex - Girls Tell All . . My boyfriend broke up with me three months after we had sex. I guess it was because there was no more suspense, nothing to think about, no more what-ifs. I felt horrible. Fran, 16 I went out with a guy for a month and then had sex with him. After that he never called me again. I felt like a fool. Sunny, 16 My boyfriend and I were alone in this place. We made love for the first time that day. It was really good. Three weeks later, he ended the relationship because he had another girl. I felt depressed about the fact that what we had that night didn’t mean anything to him. Marva, 18 My boyfriend and I had broken up, but he called and that night we made love for the first time. After that he said he “needed time to be alone.” He was supposed to get back to me, but he never did. I felt used and betrayed. He had been my boyfriend for eleven months, and supposedly he loved me. Rochelle, 15 Two days after I had sex with this guy he broke up with me. He said I was looking for a commitment and he wasn’t. I wanted to kill him. Donna, 16 A few days after I had sex with this guy he dropped me. I felt used. Connie, 16 I went out with a guy for one week and had sex with him. After that, he wanted nothing to do with me. He dumped me. I guess he thought I was too [easy]. He didn’t even think of me as a person. I was very disappointed because I thought sex was what he wanted from me - but it turned out not to be enough. Rosa, 17 It was the second time I’d seen him since we met. The mood was there. He wanted to so I did it. But he didn’t want to after that. I felt real easy and cheap, even though I’m really not. I just needed to be loved. Coco, 17+ When you are really ready to have sex, you wont be asking us how to do things, it will just come naturally. Dont do it because HE wants to. Save it for a guy that really and truly cares for you! This guy is gonna get what he wants from you, and youll be history!! You pay dearly for having sex too young, so you better be prepared for the consequenses!!!

Answer #2

In american society, losing your virginity usually refers to intercourse. But many religions regard virginity as sexual purity. So, in a religious sense you may have lost your virginity.

Your iffiness says you aren’t ready, so I would back off. If you are going to have sex you should visit a gyno and get a reliable form of birtth control. Such as hormonal or barrier. Over the counter methods are as reliable.

Answer #3

really it shoulds like you dont want to do this so you really shouldnt no phone sex doesnt count as losing your virginity, there is plenty of time top be doing things like that and trust me the wait is well worth it. just chill and tellhim your just not ready yet and he will respect that. trust me sex brings with it a lot of emotional tolls not to mention the possiblity of pregnancy. and not birth control has a hounred percent asurance that you wont get pregnant. so basically hold off on it for a few years.

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