goin limp

Me and my gf have been going for about a month now. Both of us are very interested in having sex. We have been in the right position to do it, meaning in one of our beds, but it never works out. We make out for a while before hand, and i have an erection, but right when we are about to comit to it, i go limp and it completely ruins the moment. Then everything feels awkward. This has happened more than once and im starting to get really pissed off at myself.(ITS EXTREMELY EMBARRASSING)

Answer #1

You probably have performance anxiety. The thought of actually doing it is stressing you out. but it could also be a medical condition. You should see a doctor and rule that out first.

Of course you know that there is cialisis and viagra. But if you want a non hormonal route maybe try a penis ring. (they trap the blood in your penis which maintains your erection.) But like I said, it’s best to see a doctor in case something is wrong.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice