Questions & Answers

  1. what are some signs 3 or 4 weeks in
  2. How do I hurt my ex?
  3. im to nervous to kiss him !!HELP!!!
  4. Confused between two guys, help
  5. ovulation date
  6. jobs aint everything they seem to be
  7. please..more help...
  8. parents are gone for a week, how do I throw a good party?
  9. shaving problemos
  10. Retail theft under $20.00 24 years ago.
  11. hymen braking
  12. So freaked out!!
  13. Should I do it with him?
  14. Where do I find the Dancing Nutria in Urbz?
  15. my dad might not be my dad, he's said that a few times, what do I
  16. why do I love him
  17. how to get a guys to share his feelings
  18. So I can look sexier, I'd like to make my stomach flat
  19. my boyfriend tryed kissing my friend
  20. I don't know what to do about this guy I like
  21. can your hymen break when you wear a tampon?
  22. Is vaginal discharge normal for a newborn baby girl?
  23. Can precum get you pregnant?
  24. Help with my decision
  25. Getting Married
  26. 19 years virgin
  27. FIDM or FIT
  28. My toddler wont eat.
  29. so called "love"
  30. STD / how do I know if I have a sex transmited disease?
  31. I still want him
  32. im so lost without my ex!!!!!
  33. How can I get my parents to like my boyfriend?
  34. having problems getting pregnant
  35. losing weight
  36. Weight loss patches - do those work?
  37. would be OK for a 55 yr old married man can have an affair?
  38. young girl, older guy, lots of negativity
  39. What does masterbation mean?
  40. Average bra size
  41. missed by birth control pill twice this
  42. What do you do when you just stop caring about your grades?
  43. What's the difference DUH!!!!!
  44. How can I choose between these two guys?
  45. Beta Fish and Compatible Fish.
  46. Sleeping problems, toddler refuses to sleep alone or for more than
  47. female masterbation
  48. How can I show the guys that I like interracial dating is ok?
  50. Important question about Implantation Bl
  51. Payroll Software.
  52. Cell Phones and Cell Phone Plans.
  53. Could I be pregnant, my periods arrived two weeks early
  54. skipping my monthly
  55. I don't know what's happening
  56. I want him to like me
  57. My ex Phil
  58. He still flirts with his ex...
  59. age regulation
  60. How can I get my girlfriend's parents to accept me?
  61. Where can I find a cheap ticket to New York?
  62. HOW TO DO IT???
  63. help
  64. Period Isnt normal
  65. my messed up relationships
  66. pregent with periods
  67. People are talking bad about me, how can I change that?
  68. My Chemical Romance (MCR) question about their lyrics
  69. Lied about my Age
  70. Should I give myself to him or dump him
  71. How to get my wife in the mood and take her verginity
  72. I want to stop masterbating
  73. Is it bad sleeping with wet hair?
  74. How do I handle my father's alcoholism?
  75. I want him
  76. Male cat after neutering...
  77. Pre-Cum
  78. How do you know which hole the tampon goes in?
  79. I need my question answered really bad
  80. I want to do things to him but what do I do when he does it to me
  81. Female and Teen Masterbation
  82. breakin up
  83. Hot Spots in Miami
  84. parents know we are screwing
  85. all this effort and nothing in return
  86. whats the chance of conceiving at 42
  87. Hiding from whats real
  88. Marriage announcement
  89. Boyfriend Still Admits to Loving His Ex
  90. Big problemo!
  91. Why am I drawn to bad relationships?
  92. hiding my body....
  93. is there a safe painless way to pass out?
  94. Proof that we had sex?
  95. dont know what to go as to james bond theme party
  96. In Love With My Teacher!
  97. Is it cheating? Did I honor myself and my marriage?
  98. Difficult boyfriend's mother....HELP!!!
  99. Jealous of ex and vacations?
  100. Can't get everything together