Hiding from whats real

I’ve been dating the same guy for a while, but I keep sending mixed signals becasue Im scared of getting hurt. So I guess with me always pulling back and hinding behind this wall (metafore of course)Our relationship is falling apart. What should I do? I’m just worried he’s going to break my heart.

Answer #1

Hey omg i know how u feel i just got out of a relationship just like that i been hurt soo many times…so i put a wall around my heart and wouldnt let him in …sometimes i thought i was inlove with him but only when he was around…then i just thought well ya kno i just like him when he wasnt around…we argued alot cuz of my stupid wall he knew and he wasnt ok so here we go Hun if u love him u dont need a wall u’ll just have to trust him like that…if u need a wall u dont love him…it took me 6 months to figure this out and today we broke up…i think u need to talk to him about this if not ur relation ship is gonna go were mine and my ex’s did…let him go…if he comes back then u will know he will never hurt u…if he doesnt come back dont worry about him i hope i helped

Answer #2

i’ve been in that situation before but when you do that you just hurt yourself especially if you really like this guy!! like i was like that and i was scared so i ended it with him and now i regret it !!! you have to take a risk every once in a while

Answer #3

Have you told him what you want in the relationship, or what your looking for? You need to communicate with him, it’s important. Don’t be pushy about your feelings though. Just tell him in a nice casual way that you are looking for a more stable realtionship. Most woman build a wall thinking they are protecting themselves, but in reality they are making themselves more likely to get hurt, because they are just going along with whatever the man wants, and are fine with it. You will never know what you have unless you communicate in a non-emotional manner. P.S- Don’t pour out your feelings to him, just tell him what kinds of things he does makes you happy.

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