
my boyfriend and I where dating for 3 weeks, then I cheated on him. we broke up for a week then got back together. things where going fine for the 2 months after then he started acting werid. we broke up again before we came back to school, he told me 2 weeks ago that he is starting to gain feelings for me again, but then a couple days ago he told me that he doesnt see us getting back together. I understand and realize that my actions were totally wrong and im kicking myself in the ass for it now. but I could be doing worse things, him and I arent even going out anymore and I dont date/talk/or do things with other guys. doesnt that mean im trust worthy now?? he said he cant trust me and what not, I dont blame him.. I know that hes scared to get hurt again, but I told him id never do anything like that again and he said he believed me. I dont know what to do, do I move on? or wait for him. im so confused..


Answer #1

he can’t trust you because you hurt him, you know what they say once a cheater always a cheater.

Answer #2

I think it is better if you move on. Maybe your cheating was not a nice thing, but its endless mentioning is just worse.

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