please..more help...

hi…me and my girlfriend are getting into a serious relationship but sone kid at school gave her a ring that said forever..he said he found bothers me that she wears it..should it???as hard as I try to not think about things she has done in her past it makes me feel jealous…need help…

Answer #1

im sure theres nuffin goin out just ask her if she feels anythink 4 him n if she says yes get rid if she says no y u think that just say coz u wear his ring

Answer #2

never be jealous of the past, and certainly not of a ring. Till you cuddle your g/f she is your g/f.

Answer #3

i can understand how you feel. but don’t forget your girlfriend is with you not with dis kid. don’t b jealous of dis kid. hav u asked ya gf y she wears dis ring? if u havnt asked her, adk er out right da bst fings bout a gd realtionship is dat u can rust each otha n b truthful. if da fings she as dun in da past r bothering u dat much is dis realtionship 4 u? i may sound harsh but u hav 2 fink of da outcums jealousy is a big fing 2 try n efeat in a realtionship. i ope i hav helped gud luck wivwot eva u decide 2 do

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